Happy Leap Day!
Today is February 29th, one extra day on the calendar that occurs every four years.
Happy Leap Day!
Today is February 29th, one extra day on the calendar that occurs every four years.
Frankly, I'd have thought all of us would have passed into The Great Beyond by now.
But no!
Yet another gathering of former television journalists was convened but not in the Pie Place this time.
Taking pity on the oldest member of the gang (me) they came to Prescott Valley for lunch.
The group this time was composed of, from left to right, former videographers Wally Athey and Steve Torbeck, former producers and news directors Al Macias and Yours Truly, and former reporter in both Phoenix and Washington, D.C. Ron Thompson, known in tv land as Ron Talley.
Ron's journey to Arizona from his home in Raleigh, North Carolina was the impetus for the gathering.
But he didn't come to Arizona just to visit me.
Ron is a native of a Chicago suburb but also a fervent alumnus of the University of Arizona in Tucson.
And its sports teams.
He came to see a couple of basketball games featuring his beloved Wildcats.
He was pleased with the seats he secured.
Now to take you back . . way back . . into the distant past, let me start with our trip to Washington for the Sandra Day O'Connor confirmation hearings to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Talley and I conferring on matters of state.
Then to Detroit, at the Republican National Convention in 1980.
Best buddies Talley and Athey, perhaps relieved that it was all over.
In 1984, we were found in San Francisco, at the Democratic National Convention.
As usual, I was on the phone (a landline!) while Talley waited to hear how much time he was going to get on the evening telecast.
A few weeks later, we had much roomier space in Dallas for another Republican National Convention.
Athey is editing videotape and Talley, this time, is on the phone.
Macias joined us at that convention and joyfully joined in on the "thank god it's over" celebration.
But getting back to our recent gathering, it was fun comparing notes on other old friends and sharing stories (once again) from the old days, most of which can not be repeated in decent company in these much more P.C. days.
But one story Mr. Talley told me I had never heard before.
I knew that when he came to work at Channel 12 there was already a Thompson on the news staff, the legendary anchorman Ray Thompson.
The powers that be didn't think they should have two by that name and so he became Ron Talley.
(He picked "Talley" from the name of a Chicago sportswriter.)
But before that, as they were all trying to come up with his "new name", it was noted that it was a rare rainy day in Phoenix and if he hadn't objected, he could have launched his television career as Ronny Rain!
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's been quite a week.
The U.S. of A. is back on the moon once again.
Not the whole country, you understand, just a lunar lander.
But it's 14 feet tall so get your telescopes geared up.
Meanwhile, back here on Planet Earth, it's time to focus your view on this week's items of comedy, much shorter than that lunar lander but hopefully funnier.
See how easy it is to prepare an artful salad?
All you need are the proper ingredients.
And, of course, someone as talented as my wife.
It looked wicked but all we got here were a few sprinkles.
Great skies though.
(Sorry for the power lines and poles.)
Well, here it is again - Friday FunDay.
I don't know how your week has gone but at least it's gone.
So let's get onto the humor that you all come here for and that you all love each and every week, the humor that your collaborator collects from comedy characters here, there and yon; the humor that brightens a gray and dreary day and perhaps even a dark night, the humor that . . . (oh shut up, Catalyst).
I was reliving an experience by email with Phil, a friend of mine, this morning.
The event came nearly 39 years ago, in April of 1985.
Judy and I fulfilled a dream of spending a month traveling around Europe.
Le grand tour.
Now we are lovers of escargot, snails in a garlic butter sauce.
Yes, I know.
Today is Ash Wednesday.
And Valentine's Day.
And Basant Pachami.
Bet you didn't know about that one!
Don't feel bad, neither did I.
It's a Hindu festival to herald the Spring.
And if you have doubts about that, let me tell you that it is 62 degrees Fahrenheit in my part of Arizona right now.
Judy said with the sun shining on our patio it's probably 70 out there.
And she just came back inside with some fresh chives that have sprouted from a potful that looked dead up until today.
But I digress.
All of those special days aside, today is an even more important day here in Arizona.
Because . . .
That's right.
It's the State of Arizona's 112th birthday today.
It officially became the 48th state in the U.S. of A. on February 14th, 1912.
So raise a glass to this (fairly) new kid today.
If you've got room after all that chocolate.
And don't forget the King Cake!
Of course if you take a dim view of all this indulgence and call the day Shrove Tuesday, right after confessing your sins and begging for absolution, you'll have to settle for pancakes.