Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Moon over . . .
And the winner is . . .

And for you, Warren, please accept from me . . . a million praises!
Now, I might add that Sheri also came up with the correct answer but she was a little late. (You're supposed to be checking my blog by the minute, Sheri!)
An amazingly honorable mention goes to the revered Joey Polanski, who came up with an answer that I had to google to figure out what he was talking about. I bow to you Joey.
As to the rest of you . . . well . . . enough said.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Poor lonely Blackie Detroit

But he has access to the garage and the other cats don't so he has a "shelter from the storm."
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Oh! Those toes!
I have a friend who answers to various names - Cin Bob, Sin-Bad, Cyn, or just plain Cindy.
She has a habit of showing up with a great paint job. Here's the latest iteration:
I tend to make a big thing about this, for which I've been accused of being a foot fetishist! Well, I admit nothing but to Cindy . . I dedicate this song. (And, by the way it's better if you pause the video, then click on it to make it bigger.)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Another sad loss
I'm not sure how I got to know Granny J but I suspect she found me when I began blogging several years ago. She and I and other local bloggers got together a couple of times for coffee and face-to-face talk. Julie and I shared a background in journalism . . at one time not too far apart as she was working in Chicago and I in Indianapolis.
She was a wonderful woman and I will miss her and her posts and e-mails greatly. These are the only two photos I could find of her.

The first photo is one I took, unfortunately from behind her, at a blogger gathering. The latter one was the one she used on her blog "Walking Prescott". Go in peace, Granny J.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Go Green with Diversity!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
More flora
These are a couple of the roses that are now blooming in SWMBO's front patio garden.
Prescott Flora

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Magpie Tales 14 - Blue Willow
I usually write a story based on the prompt but this week I did some research on the photo. When I learned the legend behind the plate, I thought for awhile about what I could write. I finally decided the legend was better than anything my imagination could come up with. So . . here it is:
Long ago in China lived a Mandarin and his daughter, Koong-shee. Koong-shee fell in love with a commoner, a man named Chang, and their love grew as they met beneath a willow tree in the palace garden. When the Mandarin discovered their secret, he banished Chang and imprisoned Koong-shee by encircling the palace with a zigzag fence.
Soon the Mandarin promised Koong-shee to another, and the marriage date was set. A great feast was held to celebrate, but afterward, when everyone had fallen asleep, Chang crept into the palace and fled with Koong-shee.
The Mandarin awoke and pursued the couple across a little bridge that spans the river. The lovers escaped, but soon the Mandarin discovered where they were hiding and sent his men to kill the couple. The men came upon Chang as he was working his fields and killed him. Koong-shee, who witnessed the entire scene from afar, rushed into the pavilion and set it afire. She was determined to be with Chang in death as she had been in life.
The gods, looking down on the tragedy, took pity on the lovers and transformed their souls into a pair of immortal lovebirds to forever live in the pagoda.
We can still see Chang and Koong-shee flying over the willow tree where they first pledged their love. Their story lives forever on the Blue Willow pattern.
With apologies for my plagiarization, I gathered the legend from The Blue Willow Restaurant in Tucson, Arizona
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Ladies Days!
Just my opinion.
Monday, May 10, 2010
R.E.D. for Granny J

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Spring on the Square

That's a replica of a humongous head of garlic clove and he was selling all kinds of garlic products.
Nice day.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The Highland Games