My former colleague and long-time friend Tommy the C sent a short e-mail today, gigging me a bit about my lack of posts of late. So . . . here's a compendium of my most original thoughts recently.
When Rupert Murdoch got pied this morning during a hearing before a Parliamentary committee in London, the only hero was . . no, not Rupert . . no, not James . . no, not the pie tosser (a supposed comedian) . . and no, certainly not the rather spineless questioners among the MPs; no, the hero of the day was Rupert's wife, Wendy, who leaped up and slapped the pie tosser with a long, right arm. One of the typically idiot MPs later complimented Wendy on her left cross.
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It's been hot across the nation this week. But nothing out of the ordinary here in Arizona. 108 in Phoenix today. About 85 up here. We had a little rain today. Ho hum. Just normal.
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My Diamondbacks have been on a bit of a run lately. Until tonight. Right now it's 11 to 3 in favor of Milwaukee in the 9th inning. Might be a hill to high to climb. Yup, it was. Game over.
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The Republican presidential field continues to grow. Former Louisiana Governor Buddy Roemer is going to announce tomorrow. Texas Governor . . oh, wait a sec . . . oh, yeah, Rick Perry. I had to Google it to remember his name. He's apparently thinking more and more about taking the bait. And yet another group of Big Biz money men are trying to convince New Jersey Govenor Chris Christie to get in. And Michelle Bachmann's people were roughing up a reporter trying to ask about her migraine headaches. Does this sound like a crazy campaign to you? Too?
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So, yadda yadda yadda. You see? I really haven't had much to say lately.