Wednesday, October 31, 2012


It's that time of year again.  Time for the spooks to come out.  Mt. Vernon Street in Prescott awaits with frightening decorations for the annual influx of thousands of trick-or-treaters.

Down on Whiskey Row, the Jersey Lilly has a new doorman.

And the bartender looked somewhat horrible.

Downstairs at the Palace, the BRD and her Beau Jack (background) celebrated Halloween with their annual private party Saturday night.

Here are some of their guests.

Over at the Firehouse Kitchen there were more revelers, looking a bit fuzzy.  (Ghosts?  Or cocktails?)

Back on the street a man was wearing an appropriate for Halloween shirt.

He said his mother gave it to him!

Speaking of shirts, a local cab driver was wearing one advertising free rides home tonight for those revelers who didn't bring along a designated driver.  Good idea.

Nearby, an English bulldog was taking it all in with just a touch of green-eyed envy.

And today, we'll let him be the subject of the gratuitous critter picture.

Happy Halloween, everybody.  Stay safe.