Monday, November 30, 2015


I finally got a tiny video of a blue jay visiting our bird bath today.

Actually, I think he's called a Mountain Jay.

They're real skittish and they don't hang around long.

And, yes, I know I have to wash my window.


  1. Scrub Jay. I think you have all my birds now since I shut down my fountains and bird bath. My windows need to be washed, too. After the leaves.

  2. Our Eastern Blue Jays are anything but shy and skittish.

  3. Their cousin Jays out here in the West are loud and aggressive.
    You know the National Geo wildlife shooters never had to worry about dirty windows! :)
    If you choose to clean the windows use crumpled newspaper as the "cloth." Also you probably know not to clean them when the sun is shining on them or when they are warm from the sun.

  4. Ha , these windows! Same for the car windows...

  5. We get a pair of scrub jays, because we feed them peanuts. They come screech as us for refills.
