Monday, January 16, 2017


The Pie Restaurant, otherwise known as the Rock Springs Cafe in Rock Springs/Black Canyon City, Arizona, has claimed two more in the continuing saga of former Phoenix television employees.

Today, it was Roger Ball, a Silver Circle member of the Rocky Mountain Emmy Chapter.

And Carol Lynde, also a Silver Circle honoree and holder of 21 (count 'em) Emmy Awards statuettes.

They were joined by your friendly Scribe, not a member of any circle nor holder of any statuettes but boldly in the center of this picture protecting his friends from a polar bear.

Since I live about 50 miles north of the roadhouse and greater Phoenix is about 50 miles to the south, this has become a meeting place for reunions of this sort.

Suffice it to say that many stories of "the good old days" were related.

Lunch wasn't bad either.