Some of you Gentle Readers who I haven't informed may have been wondering about the absence of Oddball Observations and it's editor Catalyst since last week's Friday Funnies.
So let me tell you what's been going on.
Early Friday afternoon a man came and picked up all the empty boxes and foam and bubble wrap from our move and took it away.
We were elated to get even that much more space in our garage.
About an hour later, Judy took a step out onto our back patio where I was pulling up a sun shade, fell and broke her femur (thighbone).
I called 911 and got paramedics here, who took over, shot her full of some good drugs, loaded her onto a gurney, into an ambulance and took her to our local hospital.
Saturday morning she had surgery which resulted in what she calls a piece of rebar placed into her body.
After 3 nights in the hospital she was transferred yesterday to a rehabilitation hospital where she will reside for a week or two or three.
She is in intense pain whenever she tries to move her right side or put weight on that leg but that does not stop the medicos from putting her through PT (Physical Therapy).
I read on line today that a femur break can take 4 to 6 months or more to heal.
I am trying my best to do what I can, keeping the house running, the cats fed and watered, their litter pans emptied as well as (not a serious problem) feeding myself.
Frankly, Gentle Readers, it is all a pain in the ass.
But not as much pain as my beloved Judy is going through.
So, my friends, that's what has been going on.
Whatever you do as you age, don't fall, don't break any bones, and don't think that you may not do any of that.
I'll be here occasionally, as events allow me.