Thursday, July 5, 2018


We don't do fireworks.

We don't march in or attend parades.

We don't attend patriotic events.

We don't picnic.

Not really, though yesterday's dining table appears that we do and brought it inside because of rain.*

A plate of Judy's delicious deviled eggs.

But we do bend to tradition in one way.

We grill.  (Judy, at least.)

Nearly everything.

Brats, peppers, onions, potatoes, corn on the cob

It was almost disaster.

The propane tank went dry in the final stages and the grilled food had to be finished off under the broiler in the stove.

It was delicious.

A couple of solid naps followed the feast before I cleaned up the kitchen.

If I may change the subject just a bit here, Judy added a Tai Chi symbol to one of her fence mural balloons a couple of evenings ago.

She is known around here as SWMBO for She Who Must Be Obeyed.

And the saga continues.

* There was no rain but it's coming closer.  Maybe tomorrow.