Monday, May 20, 2019


I took this photo of a nearly full moon last week.

Seemed like a fairly nice day with lots of blue sky among the clouds.

Today it's gray and threatening rain.

The gray cat (Henley) was up in our tree and staring at me when I opened the blind early this morning.

He clambered down, jumped up to the wall, turned and froze to stare once more at me, then meandered on his way.

He seemed irritated that I had interrupted his vain attempt to catch a bird for breakfast.

Hmmm, I was just proofreading this post and Googled "gray or grey" to see which one was correct.

The Almighty Google told me that either one was acceptable but that "gray" was more common in the U.S. and "grey" more used in the U.K.

Colorful (colourful) mental forays this Monday morning.