Saturday, May 1, 2021


 There can now be no doubt - Spring is here.

I know that first by observing the temperatures rise into the 80's here the past couple of days but second and more important by May 1st arriving.

That is traditionally a holiday to celebrate another Spring season.

When I was a kid, we used to exchange May Baskets, usually containing small hard candies.

I understand adults sometimes gave baskets filled with flowers.

Some Socialists and Communists chose the date as International Workers' Day and held parades.

Now, in my senescent years, I might prefer to mark the day the way our neighbors' cat Matty did on our couch yesterday.

He actually looked like he was sleeping off a May Day party hangover.

Speaking of that, one of my commenters on Thursday's post about the Terrible Trio wondered if we'd see those lads in their present day incarnation.

The last time we all got together was 6 years ago when they came to help me celebrate my 75th birthday.

That's Timmer, Taylor, Tom and a 4th former conspirator, Torbeck.

The Four T's.

All still perambulating, I might add.

Maybe we should form a singing group.