Bet you thought I'd forgotten, didn't you?
As they say on Broadway, "No, No, Nanette".
My short term memory is as good as my long term memory.
Well, that may not be such a good comparison.
At any rate, as promised, here is the first photo of the new bird bath in our back yard.
It's rather plain but it *is* the blue that is beloved by, most importantly, SWMBO; but also by House Finches, Phoebes, Robins, Goldfinches, Bluejays, Doves and an occasional Cowbird, as well as whatever else turns up in the neighborhood.
Oh, and bees.
The bees love it and they don't bother me as I fill it just inches from them.
(I've even fished out a few who've fallen in, apparently overcome by vertigo upon staring lovingly at their own reflections.)
So you've seen the rear view, as indicated by the Blue Cat's head (lower left).
Now here is the front view, glorious in its simplicity but stunningly blue, complemented by a chalky white edge rim, all the better for those little bird feet to grip.