Friday, November 5, 2021


 We come together to the end of another trying week, eh, Dorm Buddies?

The Lutherans, the Catholics and the Reeses eaters among us.

My very own stepdaughter, the BRD, railed at me over that damnable Wednesday Brain Teaser, pointing out that the candy shown wasn't Reeses Pieces anyway, but Reeses peanut butter cups.

So, with great humility and shame, I take it upon myself to throw caution to the winds and tell you of another of my great Halloween loves, a love many of you do not share: candy corn; and show what you haters out there advise how to enjoy it.

That one was gifted to me from another of my humor purveyors, Comical Carol.

I am so fortunate to have such sneering faithful friends.

But now let us get on to the business at hand: The Friday Funnies.


And finally, this next one is my favorite this week.

Take it from a guy who has owned a couple of Impalas in his time.

Well, that's it, Gentle Readers, you're on your own now.

But please have a ginormously great weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(awwwww . . .)

(Special thanks to Baseball Steve for that one!)