Thursday, June 13, 2024


This tune has been running through my head today.

So I decided to share my earworm with you.


  1. I doubt the people that really need to listen to this will ever hear it. Hadn't seen this particular version of Dylan's song, only the '64 version, heard it before I went to Viet Nam, but didn't really grasp the meaning until I was there.

  2. d ylan is an amazing writer and artist. This was such a meaningful song in the 70s. He also became a Christian in mid 70s, wrote Slow Train coming about that experience.

  3. thecontemplativecat here. Bob Dylan wrote some incredible music. This was a great song.

  4. thecontemplativecat here. Bob Dylan is a masterful writer and performer. this song was part of my college years.

  5. tc-Light/Breezes He's in a club with the Bard...and
    a Nobel Laureate...

  6. The song is catchy but I'm one of those weird people who hates Dylan's voice. So does Mari. She also dislikes Neil Young.

  7. My favorite Dylan song is Tangled Up in Blue. He does not have a great voice, but like Leonard Cohen and Neil Young he is a wordsmith.

  8. Thank you!
    ---Cheerful Monk

  9. Not a fan of Bob Dylan, his voice and singing style irritate me, but this does carry a good message. Is God on our side? Or is he on "their" side as they believe? If he is indeed on both sides, then why are we fighting? Because "they" don't believe what "we" believe? "They" don't value what "we" value? And why are Americans shooting and killing other Americans?? Does God condone this? It all makes no sense to me and all of us who would prefer that we get along and live in peace.
    Remember the old slogan? "Live in peace or die in pieces"?

  10. With the early reference to The Mid-West I can see how this song might have special significance for you Bruce. I included it in a blogpost just last year. See:-
