Monday, June 10, 2024


Readers of this blog have been very kind in their comments about the mural Judy and Gayle are doing to the old, brown fence in our side yard.

So here's where it stands this morning.

I have left a bit of the original fence in the photo on the far left to let you see the difference.

Here is a closer view of the area that Judy has been "dabbling" on, to use her phrase.

As she says, there's a great lot still to be done but it is definitely an improvement.

( . . to be continued . . )


  1. There may be a problem with Blogger and comments. Have patience.

  2. It's beautiful! Such a great improvement.

  3. Waiting for the wildlife to appear!

  4. Is it possible to have a mural upon a fence? Murals are by definition pictures upon walls - not fences. I hate to be picky but you will have to find another term Bruce. May I suggest a clôtural? Mur is the French word for wall and clôture is the French word for fence. Glad to have been of service - just call me Mr Helpful.

    1. Judy says to tell you: thank you for the education. But she said it in a snarky tone of voice so don't take it to the bank. (or banque.)

    2. YP, A fence is a wall dividing one yard from another, or enclosing the entire yard much as walls enclose a room or building.

  5. She sure knows what she's doing!

  6. That fence is looking so beautiful. Makes me wish I was an artist so I could paint a mural like that on our fence. I love it! (NewRobin13)

  7. My other comment didn't go thru - looking great so far!

  8. I think it looks great. Always great to have art/mural on a fence if you ask me. Are they busy? Wanna come over to do mine?

  9. It's coming along nicely. SWMBO adds beauty to your life in more ways than one.

  10. I like that so much. Wishing I had a fence to dabble on.
