Friday, July 5, 2024


 So yesterday being a holiday here in the U.S. of A. I bet most of you have forgotten that today is Friday.

But not me.

And just to make it a special Friday, today I'm devoting the entire post to food and drink.

Bon appetit!

And with that slightly extended version of the menu, I shall leave you to your barbecue grills, your kitchens and your Pepto.

I hope your holiday (if you celebrated it) was full of fun and now you have a couple of days to sleep it off.

Whatever, always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . but, what about your kibble? . . . )


  1. Here kitty-kitty. Thanks for the Friday pick me ups.

  2. You are up early! Love starting my day with joke after joke. Like the theme. The drip coffee is so true. That's why you make it the night before!

  3. Good ones. Love the spoons of coffee!

  4. Thank you for the Friday Funnies. I made hummus just the other day, and now I will always think of hummuscide whenever I make it. LOL. (NewRobin13)

  5. I'm not sure why it feels like Monday today! The funnies are much appreciated after a noisy night with a freaked out cat. My coffee isn't as big as that though!

  6. I'm still laughing about the pizza box and the 888-888-8888. Thank you!!
    ---Cheerful Monk

  7. Will the deep well of humour never fail to provide Mr Taylor with new material for his now world famous Friday Funnies? Keep up the good work Brucie baby!

  8. It's quiet here so I was looking for the funnies.

  9. I don't drink coffee, but I prepare Dr. M's the night before and I have DEFINITELY lost count before. Some days he's more wired than others. Ha!

  10. Thanks, good stuff as usual,the one with the wife winking as she hands him his coffee make me laugh out loud,-Mary
