Paying heed to the comments on an earlier post, Judy appreciates all the kind thoughts about her knee replacement and thanks you all.
Second, a bit of education about "hot and spicy" foods and our dinner the other evening.
Quoting Wikipedia, "Curry is a dish with a sauce seasoned with spices, mainly associated with South Asian cuisine."
Curry apparently originated in India but is now eaten all over the world and, quoting Urban Farmie, "...there are a thousand variations depending on the ingredients."
So not all curries are hot.
Fear not and read the ingredients to see what you're getting.
Okay, class is dismissed for today.
I almost forgot.
It's Friday and time for some laughs!
All right, Gentle Readers, now you have to find your own humor.
But while you're searching, try to have an absolutely wonderful weekend.
And always remember to Keep Laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
( . . oh, I know that face, and is it 4:15 a.m. already . . )