So how has your week gone, eh?
Oooohh, that good?
Well mine has been somewhat iffy.
I had a visit from my PT guy's boss lady and she wasn't thrilled with my progress so far.
You'd never guess what she wants me to do.
Stand up!
From a chair!
I tried telling her how old I was but that didn't cut any ice with her.
Lessee, we've had a few thunderstorms this week.
One of them knocked the power off for a few minutes.
Just long enough that I had to reset the clocks on the microwave, the stove, etc. etc.
Then this morning I noticed that one of them was reading "19:45" and I had to figure out how to reset it to 12-hour time.
So that's been my week, now let's see what's happening in the Comedy House.
Oh I should have known.
But that's what people are saying about some of the humor from my Comical Cartel.
Oh well, we'll just keep trying.
In the meantime, we wish all the rest of you would join us in having a perfectly phenomenal weekend.
And always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
( . . . oh, is it that time again . . . )