I blogged about the balloon fest yesterday but hadn't realized they were going to be flying today, too. Pretty nice vantage point, eh?
A day or two before, Lori had sent another photo, showing the results of a cattle roundup.
What makes this photo unique is that it is on some vacant land right in the middle of our town, just across the street from our public library. Cattle still graze on these spaces in our growing city. We opined that they may have been rounded up because of the balloon fest planned for the next day on "their" land.
Or it may have been because of this other event.
It was billed as the Wild West Mudfest. It was a 5K race through, over and around various obstacles including the two water pits shown here, the big tubes and lots and lots of mud.
This video and first two photos were taken just as the event was getting underway.
Believe it or not, hundreds of people took part in the race . . men, women, boys, girls . . of all ages!
After the event concluded, participants were covered in mud and went to a cleanup area to hose themselves off.
There is also a 3-day Prescott Arizona Kennel Club Dog Show at the Prescott Valley Events Center concluding today. I'll have some photos from that event tomorrow.
(First two photos courtesy of Lori Lewis)