Saturday, March 21, 2020


Once the video starts, click the square in the lower right corner to make it "full screen".

Friday, March 20, 2020


Gentle Readers, I hope you're all well and taking proper precautions to protect yourselves from the Covid-19 virus.

It may seem unfeeling of me to present this weekly foray into cartoons during this trying time.

But I think we all need a brief respite from the troubles and the opportunity to smile and even laugh a little.

So, with apologies to anyone who may be offended, let us begin.

And with that (I hear you groaning) I shall return you to your regular programming.

Now let's all be smart, careful and relaxed this first weekend of Spring.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, March 19, 2020


In the Northern Hemisphere today is the March Equinox, which marks the first day of Spring.

South of the Equator, it's the first day of Autumn.

This is the earliest the Equinox has arrived since 1896.

That's 124 years ago!

Which may account for how Spring looked in my neighborhood.

Yes, this is Arizona and yes, it snowed again last night.

Though in our Central Highlands, as shown by the top of my dumpster this morning, it was more rain than snow.

Nevertheless, the Blue Cat was not amused.

However what snow we received should melt off today and the Weather Gods tell us the high temperature Sunday will be in the lower 60's.

But to our north it may take awhile as Flagstaff, only about 80 miles away by road, received 11 and a half inches by early this morning.

So, if you're heading for the Northland today don't be too aggressive.

Remember, it's also ThrowBack Thursday!

(stock photo)

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Since we're self quarantined, we may as well enjoy the day, eh?

Monday, March 16, 2020


Yes, it is Monday and the markets are reacting to the government's efforts to buoy up the economy* by dropping like a rock.

The man who (sometimes) occupies the Oval Office must be tearing his hair out.

* Actually I think they're reacting to the coronavirus pandemic.

And we seem to be reacting to it too.

I got a handful of cartoons from Crosstown Lori over the weekend and several dealt with that subject.

For example . . .

And there's the continued unexplained panic buying of those round, white rolls of relief.

SWMBO and The BRD went out to lunch Saturday but Judy told her daughter that's the last time she's going to venture out for the foreseeable future.

She and I, because of our ages and various health infirmities, are among the population most in danger from the virus.

And I rarely venture out except to buy groceries and visit doctors.

(I've often said that if I didn't have my doctor appointments I'd have no social life at all.)

And "the girls" are suggesting that I avoid the grocery stores and either order on-line and then pick up the goods outside of the store or have them delivered.

I may try that.

It's a strange world we are being forced to live in but I guess we have to obey the new rules if we want to live at all.

Stay well, Gentle Readers, and don't forget to wash your hands.


Sunday, March 15, 2020



Or not?

(Both photos shot the same day within a mile or two of each other.)