Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 If you were one of the very kind people who happened by this blog a couple of days ago and read about my first meeting with Judy some decades ago, thank you for your many kind words.

As the title of this post states, all those years later we're still together and I'm still smitten by this lovely lady.

And as I'm about to show you, she apparently knew how good she looked in those black turtlenecks because they remained a staple of her wardrobe through the years.

When we were living in Guadalajara, Mexico in 1990, our friend Walter Nixon was quite obviously taken with her appearance too.

Walter produced some beauty himself - he was the father of the actress Cynthia Nixon.

Several years later we had moved back to the U.S.A. but had made a return trip to Mexico to visit friends.

Once again, Judy had donned a black turtleneck and was showing her affection for one of many cats that turned up in our lives.

She'll scold me for showing the next photo but I had to post it, of a much older couple giddy on possibly too much good wine.

The sweaters are still there though mine has gone to gray at this point.

Finally, speaking of alcohol abuse, I'm taking you back to Mexico, some time in the late 1980's, to a somewhat zany New Year's Eve celebration in a hotel in Guadalajara.

Oh look!

The black turtlenecks had disappeared and we were both in white!

But she was still beautiful and I was still smitten.

And judging by that chapeau on my head, the margaritas were working their magic.

Monday, January 10, 2022


 Some of you may remember the second part of a post I wrote recently.

You can find it here.

Well one of my regular contributors to the Humor Vault certainly remembered it and, just to rub my nose in it a bit more, he sent me the following comic strip this morning.

He added that he hoped lots of folks would also send me the clip.

Maybe this will forestall them!


Saturday, January 8, 2022


 Back in my past I had dreams of becoming a writer.

Not a journalist, which is what I spent my working life doing, but a real writer.

As I look back into the mists of time, I imagine I would someday be up there in the pantheon with Hemingway, Vonnegut, Kerouac, Tom Robbins, maybe.

What energy I put into these visions, however, I didn't seem to have a vision of what I would write about.

And I seemed to lack that other necessity - fortitude.

I dreamed of success without effort.

Then one day I saw an ad in a magazine for the Famous Writers School.

It seemed to promise to uncover my latent talent and lead me to the door to fame and riches.

So I wrote to them.

And forgot about it.

Until one day I answered my telephone and discovered a friendly feminine voice saying she represented the school and wanted to meet me and discuss my plans.


My dreams were coming true after all.

Assuming that she had traveled to Indiana, where I lived, from Connecticut, where the school was based, I inquired where she was calling from.

She named a fairly close hotel and I said that I was going to be at that very same hotel that evening because a friend of mine who was a jazz drummer had a combo that was playing there that night.

We arranged a meeting in the hotel lobby.

Then I lay down for a nap and managed to over-sleep.

But I jumped in my car and hurried to the location.

Upon entering the lobby I encountered a beautiful woman wearing a black turtleneck sweater and a topcoat.

I was wearing a black turtleneck sweater and a topcoat!

We adjourned to a meeting room where I got the pitch to sign up for a correspondence course from the school.

I asked if the lady would like a martini but she declined, saying she could not partake while she worked.

After hearing the details I woefully told the representative that while I would like to enroll and take the course, I simply could not afford the fees.

Our meeting over, I said I was going into the lounge where my friend was playing and invited the gorgeous lady to join me if she was through working.

Let me now bring an end to this too-lengthy tale and tell you that many martinis later I learned that the lady was NOT from Connecticut, that she lived in the area and was an employee of the company representing Central Indiana.

I also had stunned her with my talent by writing poems on bar napkins.

Not to mention my black turtleneck sweater matching hers.

To say the least, I was smitten.

And, 89 days later, we were married.

Our first meeting was exactly 51 years ago today.

But when I'm asked how we met I still say "I picked her up in a hotel lobby!"

Friday, January 7, 2022


 Raise a cheer, ladies and gentlemen and Gentle Readers everywhere, the holidays are over!

Of course that means we'll have to find an excuse to explain our drinking to excess.

Oh never mind, it's always 5 o'clock somewhere.

And there's one thing the holidays have taught us.

Is that a creak I hear?

Oh no, it's a groan spreading around the globe.

I'll just ignore that and urge you and yours to have a great weekend!

And always remember to Keep Laughing!!!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 Catalyst, SWMBO and their duplex next door neighbor really know how to wake up the neighborhood.

Actually it's our landlord and their management company that did it.

Today was the day when our HVAC units were replaced.

That involved two technicians who went up and down a ladder to the roof many, many times.

And this thing.

It arrived at about noon and was soon anchored in our driveway.

The reason for those heavy-duty anchors extending from the four corners of the truck soon became apparent.

The crane operator skillfully lifted our new "heater/cooler" effortlessly into the air, up, up, up and onto the roof.

The techs were there, having scrambled up the ladder again, to guide it into place, unlash it and wrap up the old unit.

The entire intricate dance was then repeated as my neighbor, Bill, had his unit replaced.

My aging eyes may have been betraying me but I told Judy I thought the head tech resembled Matt Damon and I asked him if he'd ever been mistaken for the Hollywood star.

He said no but it was a nice compliment.

What do you think?

Now THAT would have really turned the neighborhood upside down!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Sunday, January 2, 2022


 It's the 2nd of January.

Last night as I was turning in, I asked mein frau if she was going to have a difficult time getting used to the idea that tomorrow (today) was not Monday.

Having holidays mucking around with the weekends does tend to throw one for a loop.

Heck, some people were still celebrating the New Year today, I hear.

For some of us it is a time to make resolutions about how to improve our lives over the coming year.

For others . . .

I gave up making resolutions many New Year's ago.

Part of the joy of senescence is realizing it's probably too late to make much or any difference.

So Happy January Third tomorrow . . the first Monday of the New Year.
