Saturday, December 16, 2023


 Yes, it's Day Four of my ridiculous Countdown to Christmas.

Here's your Daily Dose of Drollery.

Friday, December 15, 2023


 In case you've been wondering what those strange words are in my Post Titles (and I know that you have but you're all just too polite to inquire about them) and you're not a polymath like the Cheerful Monk, it's Italian.

And each one tells you what day it is in my ridiculous Countdown to Christmas.

For example, today is Parte Terza.

Or Part Three.

Oh the lengths we Senile Senior Citizens go to amuse ourselves.

At any rate, it's not only Parte Terza or Part Three or the Third Day of my inane Countdown to Christmas, it's (more importantly) FRIDAY!

And you know what that means.

(And if you don't, you just haven't been paying attention.)

So that's it for your Festive Friday, full of fun and frolic.

Now I want you all to forget the shopping, the decorating, the cooking and cleaning, and try to have yourselves a wonderful carefree weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

(No matter how hard it is.)

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, December 14, 2023


Dreams are the strangest things, don't you think?

For some reason when I woke this morning I realized I had been dreaming about an international Zoom call between a friend of mine and her son in some foreign land.

But before she could even say "Hello", he joyfully blasted music out through the ether to her.

But the r-e-a-l-l-y strange part of this dream was that the music was "Papa Loves Mambo"!

That's a song I haven't heard or thought of in years and I had to Google it to find the most popular version of it was recorded by Perry Como in 1954!

Now try to explain that because I sure can't.

And if I started the earworm for you just understand that I've had it going through my head for hours.

So, you're welcome.

And now let's continue our countdown to Christmas.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


 Okay, you've got me.

I know, I know, it's the Christmas season.

There are a lot of other holidays being celebrated now too, y'know.

But Christmas tops them all, it seems, so let us begin.

And while you're enjoying the following, think of Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Bodhi Day, and Zarathosht Diso.

If you're not acquainted with these the Almighty, All-Knowing Google is a good reference point.

Okay, I said "let us begin" and let's.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


 My Christmas elves have been busy and one of them sent this to me a few minutes ago.

I laughed (groaned) and instantly knew I couldn't hang onto it until Friday.

Sunday, December 10, 2023


 It's that time of year once again.

Christmas Season, when people for some unexplained reason put colored lights and inflatable (or not) decorations in front of their places of residence.

For example, here is a photo taken last night in snowy Minot, North Dakota.

That's the home of my cousin, Cherie, who always decorates to the max.

It's a tradition that goes back decades, to when her late father used to clamber around on the roof well into his 80's putting lighted reindeer and Santas and sleighs up there.

Fortunately my cousin, who is only a few months younger than I am, hasn't continued that tradition.

When I spoke to her last night I told her it looked like Las Vegas.

She said "thank you"!

And I have no idea what those blue blotches are supposed to represent.

I could only think "snowflakes" and Elvis Presley's song "Blue Christmas".

Oh well, it gives her joy and she has a nephew to do the decorating for her.

Down here in Arizona many people do the same, lighting up the neighborhood with elaborate displays.

On the other hand, here's the extent of my outside decorating.

Give me some credit.

At least I didn't put out a lighted "Bah, Humbug" sign.

Saturday, December 9, 2023


I made Snickerdoodles yesterday.

A traditional holiday cinnamon cookie.

The only problem was that the recipe only makes a dozen and a half and they're going fast with just the two of us spoiling ourselves.

I've been thinking I may have to make another batch today!