Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Monday, September 16, 2024
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Many people, SWMBO among them, are keeping a close eye on this year's presidential campaign.
While I do read some articles online and occasionally watch some of the constant coverage on television, I am generally leaving the outcome to fate this year.
As a former radio and television journalist, I am finding it tiring.
But 60 years ago, when I was a young lad, it was a different story.
That was 1964, the year Senator Barry Goldwater was the Republican nominee.
When he made a campaign visit to North Dakota, where I was still living, I was hot on his trail.
Or maybe I should say "hot on his tail!"
That young clean-shaven guy in the houndstooth jacket behind him is your Catalyst.
Ten years later, I was living in Phoenix and Baseball Steve and I traveled to Washington, D.C. where a coterie of former staffers of the Senator had organized an event around the title of the 10 year anniversary of the non-inauguration of Barry Goldwater.
I met then-president Gerald Ford on that visit.
But back home and off the campaign trail I was a hard-partying man of the 70's.
And then the calendar pages rapidly flutter past and it was the middle 80's and my bride and I were about to move to Mexico.
My friend Tommy Terrific sent me off with this clever card.
Ah the memories.
Who would have ever thought all that would have come out of this sweet young boy back in the 1940's?