Sunday, December 22, 2024


You've all heard this old sweet song before but . . .

"Here comes Santa Claus, Here comes Santa Claus . . ."

Oh, what's that?

It's too soon?

Oh, yeah, I guess it is.

It's only the 22nd of December and since Santa moves at the speed of light, I guess I'll just have to content my conscience with another couple of days of Catalyst's Christmas Comedy Challenge!


Saturday, December 21, 2024


It's finally arrived.

Oh, no, not Christmas.

You still are blessed with a few more days of the Catalyst's Christmas Comedy Cavalcade.

What HAS finally arrived is . . . (drum roll) . . . THE WINTER SOLSTICE!

The shortest day of the year.

Beginning tomorrow each day will have a little more sunshine!

I guess I'd better hurry out and water the cacti.

Oh and I'd better look for a job while I'm out there for once again the Lottery Gods looked down and decided I was not yet worthy.

I got zero numbers on last night's drawing for an estimated 862 million bucks.


But nobody else won it and the next jackpot is estimated to be 944 million dollars and the drawing is on CHRISTMAS EVE!

How can I miss, right?

While I'm counting the zeros in my next windfall, let's take a look at what the Comedy Elves have found for this 13th day of humor before Christmas.


Friday, December 20, 2024


It's Friday again and Day Twelve of (will it never end?) Catalyst's Christmas Comedy Cavalcade.

This is the last Friday before the Big Day so you can expect to get totally inundated with holiday crassness and pseudo-hilarity.

But wait!

Santa is coming early to the Catalyst's humble abode.

In fact tonight, this very night!

For tonight is the night that I shall have the winning ticket for the MegaMillions Jackpot Drawing.

825 Million Smackeroos will be mine before the sun rises again!

Wait! You say you've heard this before?

Well that was just an error of accounting.

Either the people drawing the numbers or (perhaps) in my reporting the news.

But tonight, I am sure, will be different.

Then you'll see!

Whilst you wait, let's see what the Humor Elves have dredged up for this sunny Friday.


Now that you've had that dose of dizzy, dopey daffiness, dine well this weekend and make it memorable.

Oh, and there are only five more shopping days until Christmas!!!!

And don't get the holiday blues . . . always remember to keep laughing!

Here kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . oh, I see the family has arrived for the holidays . . . )

Thursday, December 19, 2024


Today is Day Eleven of the now legendary Catalyst's Christmas Comedy Cavalcade for 2024.

As always the Humor Elves who supply my Amusement Bank with material have been keeping me well supplied.

So, let's see how that Grandma from yesterday did with that charging reindeer, shall we.

Ah, it looks like she got even and is now enjoying her Christmas cookies and hot chocolate.

You might be wondering where all those flying reindeer that Santa Claus employs originate.

You wouldn't be the only one.

Santa has confided in Oddball that he has to test them out before the big night.

And then they have to be trained.

So with all of that going on up at the North Pole, let's leave it there for today.

But remember, there are only 6 more shopping days until Christmas!


Wednesday, December 18, 2024


The Catalyst's Christmas Comedy Cavalcade continues.

But first a safety alert.


I'll betcha we got ya with that one, didn't we?

Here in the Central Highlands of Arizona though there is no snow, it was 34 degrees when I rose at 5 a.m., and I haven't seen a sign of any reindeer.

Or reindeers.

But never mind that, shoppers.

Just be reminded that there is now only ONE WEEK UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!

Now let's on with the regular silliness


Don't worry.

Just remember we're only out for the cheap laugh here at Oddball.

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Yes it's day nine of the Catalyst's Christmas Comedy Cavalcade.

Since I'm up early today and still trying to make out the print on my computer screen, I'm going to keep this short.

Because my elves have been so busy, I have a plethora of funnies so you'll get some extra before the big day.

Which, may I remind you procrastinators, is now only 8 days away!

Here are your Holiday Howls for the day.


Monday, December 16, 2024


Can it really be the eighth day of this interminable Christmas Comedy Cavalcade?

It can and it is!

But before we get to that, let me show you the pride and joy that lives at the home of one of my neighbors.

That's a sleigh that would awe even Santa Claus.

It's a beautifully customized 1950's era Chevrolet.

Notice, if you will, the special tires and the beautiful rear windows.

I commented to him on my first seeing it that he had even tinted them.

But he corrected me to say they were actually red glass he'd had made.

It's a gorgeous creation that he's made and the license plate and frame describe the pride he has in it.

But now let's get back to the business at hand and see what's going on with the holidays, shall we?


Note: only nine (9) more days until Christmas!