She said it was so ugly she hated sitting out there staring at it.
So she began to transform it, this way.
I was doing frequent updates as the painting went along but she asked me to stop for awhile.
She said she was feeling too much pressure.
And then her shoulder flared up and after several shots of cortisone (or something like it) her doctor told her to lay off the painting for 48 hours or more.
But now it's (the muralized fence) well along and she agreed to allow me to give you all a progress report.
The photos were taken last night.
As you can see, she's added a mountain lake, a road coming down from the peaks, some trees here and there, and the first two of a group of hot air balloons.
And then there's this.
Those brownish-blackish shapes in front of the tall trees on the right edge of the panorama.
She said she intended them to be bushes.
I said it looks more like a pack of grizzly bears.
We then agreed that since this was originally intended to be a work of impressionism, you Gentle Readers and Art Critics can take them for whatever you like.
(Catalyst slinks away, growling!)
Stay tuned.