Monday, September 27, 2010

Blue Mustang


Sunday, September 26, 2010


The BRD has been out of town for a few days so SWMBO has been house sitting her cats and her dog.  Today, after I went over and took SWMBO and myself to breakfast, I agreed to take the effusive Wrigley to the dog park.  He was thrilled.

 So we got there but most of the other dogs weren't paying much attention to him.  He sort of had the look of "Hey, guys, can't I play?"

But he didn't let that get him down for long and besides those guys looked kind of big and sprightly.  So he just began exploring the park by himself for awhile.

Until a newcomer discovered him.

That seemed to make him happy so his trip to the dog park was a success!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The moon is full

Couldn't resist it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My name is Blackwell

Here's a bit of a better photo of our new addition.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

O.K. He's ours!

Some time back regular readers of my postings here may recall I talked about a stray cat that seemed attracted to us. (Probably because we started feeding him.) Since he was black, I called him Blackie. Then I was talking to a neighbor who said he wasn't her cat, he just sort of came around. She said she called him Detroit. So I began calling him Blackie Detroit. There's even a short video of him on You Tube.

Well, he was becoming more and more interested in coming into the house (wherein reside two female cats). Blackie Detroit is a male, unfixed. So we let him come into the garage to eat and sleep but no further. Finally, I said "Oh, hell" or something like that and took him to the Humane Society to be neutered. Then we brought him inside.

Blackie Detroit, whom I now officially call "Blackwell", showed his thanks by eating everything in sight.

About that ear. The nice young lady said since he was a feral cat and I hadn't decided at that point whether he should come in or not they could notch one of his ears. That way, if someone else picked up the cat and brought him to the Humane Society to be neutered, they would know by the notch that he had already been there. I anticipated a small "notch". What I got was a cat with the tip cut off his left ear! Neither SWMBO nor I were pleased about that but what can you do?

Anyway, in spite of criticism by the other two cats (Muggles and Jazz), Blackwell has been making himself at home. The other day he curled up for a nap . . . in a box Jazz had taken for her own! She glared from a distance.

Jazz expresses her dismay, disdain, perhaps outright hatred of this little imposer by growling, moaning and occasionally spitting when he comes too close. She is, as the British royals are said to say, "not amused."

But the outbursts seem to be coming less and less and it appears, in time, that she will learn to live with him. In the meantime, SWMBO and I have been policing the occasional set-to's and saying to ourselves "why have we brought this on ourselves."

I guess it's "cat love".

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More clouds

Yesterday . . .

Today . . .

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wanna buy a car?

The BRD and her beau have decided to sell the Mercedes. It's just what everyone needs: a bright red classic. Take a look.

If you're drooling now, call Beau Jack. The area code is 928. Each of the photos will get bigger if you click on them. (Tell him you learned about it on Oddball Observations!)