Monday, March 30, 2020


2020 style setter.

So how's it going at your house?

The wife and the kids still there?

This self quarantining stuff is for the birds after awhile.

It's gotten to be so bad around here that I'm thinking of actually taking a walk around the neighborhood.

(Wooh. Better sit down and rest a bit before that idea takes hold.)

I've been pretty much holed up for a week now.

But tomorrow's the big day: I get to go sit in my car in the parking lot at the grocery store while someone loads groceries into my trunk.

SWMBO hasn't been out of the house since she had lunch with her daughter more than two weeks ago.

And I think it's starting to wear on her.

But never fear.  

As long as we still have our sense of humor we shall survive.

Take care of yourselves, friends and neighbors.


  1. I drove to the grocery store a week ago, let them load. Other than that I've been in home detention.

  2. We went today to Sam's Club. Only certain #s were allowed in as the same # were allowed out. Cautious.

  3. You can take a walk, but wear a mask. The Washington Post has published a piece on the effectiveness of masks, even home made, bandanna style. There is also a video from the Czech Republic, where the outbreak has been lessened considerably, because all Czech citizens are required to wear the when leaving the house, again even the home made are helpful.

  4. Doctors, nurses, police, fireman etc. these people are expected to step up and be hero's when needed, God bless them, but now we have supermarket workers, delivery men, truckers and others putting their health at risk for never know who the hero's will be when the time comes.

    My job is to stay at home and not clog a hospital.

  5. I've found if you happen to be imprisoned with relatives, kids, etc, even wives I suppose, though mine might have been unruly, all you have to do is say "um, I feel a bit warm" or "I've been having a bit of a cough".....and then they'll deliver meals to your bedroom doors, mine have even delivered beer. I think there is a limit on how many times you can play this card, though.

  6. Cute kid in that last photo. Here in California we are allowed to take walks, thank goodness, so my dog Bounce and I can get out of the house twice a day. Otherwise I am in lockdown starting on my third week.

  7. DOG SHOES! That's the cutest thing I've seen all week!

  8. Out lives haven't changed that much. I scarcely go out of the apartment now, but we do go into the grocery store to get our groceries, and Andy still drives up to the land, never interacting with anyone. I don't have any sanitizing wipes, but I do wash my hands a lot more. And I figuratively keep my fingers crossed for us all. Thanks to the internet I'm still enjoying life.

  9. We've been doing pretty well here. The weather has gotten a bit rainy though, so that makes it harder for us to take our daily local two-mile walk. I started making bread again for the first time in years. That has been a good way to spend a few hours being creative with measuring cups and flour. Stay well and healthy there.

  10. I think you ought to be able to take a walk as long as you maintain distance. If you really WANT to, that is. :)

  11. We ordered dinner, went to pick it up. Supporting our local restaurant.

  12. When I haven't been at work, I'm mostly at home. I've done a lot of reading.
