Monday, October 23, 2023


My latest issue of All Recipes magazine arrived in my mailbox today just as I was setting out on some errands so I handed it quickly over to She Who Must Be Obeyed, who would be happy to tell you that she's been cooking and baking for hundreds of years.


After all my running around I got home and excitedly asked her how it was.

She replied, tiredly I thought, with "Oh, you know. It's seasonal. Cookies, cookies, cookies."

Then I got a text from Baseball Steve, asking if I was watching "Our Boys".

I had forgotten that game 6 of the National League Championship Series between Our Diamondbacks and the Philadelphia Phillies had begun early.

So I haven't seen my "cookie" magazine yet.

But I did spot a couple of other signs of the season in a neighbor's yard.

'Tis the season, indeed.


  1. Fun visit! May the best team win. Of course we each think it is our own lol. I'm just about to watch the game on tape so don't tell me what happened! We are quite used to watching sports like this in Hawaii Aloha friend

  2. I've already put my Halloween post together for my photo blog, and am working on the other one.

  3. I don't care which neighbour made an effigy of you Bruce. In my opinion, it is in very bad taste. If they just took the trouble to get to know you they would realise that you are a reasonably nice guy.

  4. Allrecipes is one of my go-to websites for food inspiration. I had no idea they had a magazine.

  5. How did it get to be so late in the year?

  6. I have seen a lot of "Hallmark" Christmas movies, A LOT!, and most of them feature cookie baking. People turning out hundreds of cookies all perfectly baked and iced. I'm surprised they have time to bake or cook anything else, yet they all sit down to lavish dinners as well. Ah, the magic of movieland :) what surprises me the most in these movies is how everyone always has all the ingredients necessary for the hundreds of cookies, no one ever runs out of anything.

  7. I still get their emails and recipes, but I have stopped pretending that I will use them. 😁

  8. I didn't know there was a magazine. I have used a lot of their recipes. I don't do cookies very often.

  9. Ah the spooky season has begun in all its ghostly skeleton BOO beauty. I've been thinking about photographing the displays here. You have inspired me to head out there and click a few picks. I love the crazy stuff that people put up.

  10. Yup! I haven't seen as much here in London.
