Friday, November 10, 2023



I don't know how it's been in your world but this has been a week to behold.

Not to live through again, just to look at it and ask ourselves "How did we (she) ever get through that?"

I won't bore you with details except to say that SWMBO went yesterday (Thursday) to her first Physical Therapy appointment since her surgery (Monday).

Seems to me that's faster than moms get back into the swing of things after having a baby.

With less pain.

Okay, okay, don't jump on me, I may be wrong about that.

But after all that, you'd think no-one around these here parts would have a sense of humor, or humour.

Well . . . you'd be wrong!

Oh, I love those guys.

Really, I do.

Well that's about it for my sense of humor for the week.

I hope you had fun and that you'll have a fun-derful weekend full of joy and cornfields and trying to find the very best turkey.

This turkey has some advice for you: always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . uh, no, kitty, not there, please . . )


  1. SOOOOOO Good! Home Depot! Kermit! SOOOOOO true! And for all those people like us obsessed with home improvement? The Duplex!

  2. So many excellent ones this week - from duplex to shoulder to crayon. Ha!

  3. Milton took me a sec. I don't know if that is good or bad. Some good ones thought, like shoulder to crayon.

  4. I'm glad to see that your sense of humor is still intact.

  5. Thanks for the laugh, hope Judy is doing well with her new knee.

  6. Thank you for these very good laughs today. Always such a treat on Fridays. (NewRobin13)

  7. Milton and star trek...crackers!!

  8. Oh my, that plumbing truck is a little much.

  9. Another great batch of funnies. Love the plumbing truck and the cat ready to start the end of the world.

  10. These were all really funny! Thank you for lifting my spirits!

  11. Blaming the poor black cat! LOL Love the puns although I did wince at a few. Hope Judy is getting along OK in PT. She may hate it now but will appreciate the progress she makes.

  12. These are so good! Thanks for the laugh.

  13. It is surprising that you found time to put these Friday funnies together when you are now essentially Judy's butler .

  14. And I always look forward to Friday funnies. Thanks.

  15. No kitty! No! My days lately seem to go the same way as Kermit's. Love the Star Trek one.

  16. I especially love the first one and the one about the duplex. 😊
