Monday, July 10, 2023


A little less than three months ago we (Judy) adopted a 7 year old cat after swearing that our last cat would be just that: our last cat.

But people who have lived with cats virtually all of our lives just ignore those bold statements.

So a small black cat came home with us.

Since then I've only blogged about her once, I think.

This morning I set out to change that and update you, my Gentle Readers, on her progress.

So first I had to photograph her.

My first attempt was an obvious failure.

The flash was on and the glare was awful.

So I sat down in my recliner, put her favorite pillow on my lap and called to her, "Here, Sweetie-Pie".

She immediately came running and jumped up on the pillow.

But she had her back to the camera.

I began maneuvering around, trying to get a shot of her looking lovingly into the lens.

You know how that goes.

Cats seemingly don't like to have their photograph taken.

In desperation I took a picture of part of her that is usually in motion but had gone strangely quiet.

Then I got the inspiration to focus on her head (turned away, of course) and touched her gently on one flank which usually draws her attention.

This time I got her frontally at last but with her ears cocked and her eyes glaring I decided this would be the last of my attempts.

We both repaired to the living room and I watched television for awhile.

Then a bit later I glanced over at her lying next to me on the couch and got the shot I'd been trying for.

May I present the beauty queen herself, Miss Sweetie-Pie.

A short time later, apparently exhausted by her photo session, she curled up for a nap.

A cat-nap.