Saturday, September 23, 2023


We made it once again. 

Autumn arrived just before midnight last night.

As I woke and checked the weather I see it is cool(ish) and damp outside.

The temperature at 6:30 a.m. is 61 degrees F. (16 C.) and the Weather Gods say there are showers in the vicinity.

One of my most faithful and consistent humor suppliers, Wacky Wally, sent me this meme this morning.

So the season of those insufferable Pumpkin Spice Everythings has arrived.

Halloween and even CHRISTMAS decorations are prominent in stores and some people are already decorating, with the spooky night still over a month away.

In one of my doctor's offices a small artificial tree has stood for years.

It is decorated by the office manager and members of the staff for whatever season or holiday might be approaching.

The other day when I was there I noticed it was decorated for the Fall Season.

It's clever and perhaps brings a smile to the faces of people waiting (and waiting and waiting) to receive their medical consultations.

Happy Autumn, everyone*!

( * - except for my friend River in South Australia and others in the Southern Hemisphere who have Springtime staring them in the face.)