Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 There is a certain kind of humor that I have been accused of having.

It's the kind of humor that people disparage as "Dad Jokes".

Usually they are puns.

Like . . .

or . . .

or . . .

or . . .

Then there are those guys who started putting their jokes up on signboards outside their businesses.

And, of course we can't leave out whoever began all of those Star Trek memes.

Some times the so-called Dad Humor is just silly.

Like . . .

Which brings me to an example of where I may have found my particular brand of humor.

From a song my Dad used to sing in the car at the top of his voice, embarrassing my mother and making my brother and I laugh.

I still sing it but I won't do that here.  I'll just give you the lyrics, as I remember them.

"Emmalina and I went fishing one day, 

on the bank of Chesapeake Bay.

Emmalina caught a codfish and I caught a bass, 

Emmalina fell in, clear up to her asssssssssssssk

me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.

Emmalina fell in, clear up to her eyes!"

Thank yuh, thank yuh, thank you ver' much. 



  1. It's like Friday Funnies on a Tuesday!

  2. Here's a little something like your Dad's song.
    "Of all the fishes in the sea,
    I truly love the bass.
    He climbs up on the seaweed trees,
    And slides down on his hands and knees."

    1. Oh yes, he would have loved that. Thanks for visiting AND COMMENTING. Come again.

  3. tc/Light/Breezes---thanks for the giggles...and chortle

  4. You also have an inner humor that pops out for us to enjoy.

  5. I like dad jokes--they're silly and cute.

  6. These are great! Thank you. I sent the "Drink Canada Dry" one to both my sons.

  7. Great collection! I'm passing a lot of them on. 👍😊

  8. Had to do a quick check that it isn't Friday and I have lost 2 days!!

  9. Finding fun in such notions is laudable and has probably helped you to stay young. Being a grown-up isn't all about maturity and seriousness. I wish I still had a pogo stick. Boing-boing-boing!

  10. What a grand way to start our Wednesday morning... laughing! Thank you, Catalyst. (NewRobin13)

  11. A new tradition? Tuesday Titters, perhaps?
