Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 I walked into Judy's room the other day and found a freshly made bed in bright colors.

And, of course, right in the center of it, Miss Sweety-Pie.

Our latest little cat came to us weighing a paltry 7 pounds or so and no matter what or how much we feed her she has not seemed to gain much weight.

Apparently she's a small cat and she will remain that way.

But like any cat, she knows where she looks best and the contrast of the colored sheets and pillowcases and that little black cat called out for a photo.

She is not a tuxedo cat with a patch of white.

She is just solid black.

With her brown eyes, it is often difficult to tell whether they are open or not.

So I zoomed in to see if I could tell.

They are still difficult to see but, yes, they are open.

Watching the photographer carefully to see what he's going to do next.

By the way, this spot on Judy's bed is her preferred spot for her lengthy afternoon naps.

But whenever or wherever Judy or I meet in our home to chat, she inserts herself exactly between us.

For that reason we have also named her "Little Miss In-Between".


Sometimes confounding, sometimes maddening, but always lovable members of our family.