Friday, March 7, 2025


Just to show you that it's not always sunny and hot in Arizona, let me show you what it's like in my little corner of the world today.

While Spring may have given us some false hints, this year is like most years when we get a snowfall in March.

And keep in mind that we're only in the Central Highlands of Arizona at about 5,000 feet elevation.

Much of the state is higher, colder and gets more snow in an average winter.

Most of what you see here today will be gone by tomorrow and certainly by Sunday when the high is forecast to be 60 degrees F.

But on a day like today with no errands to be run outside of the house, it's fun to watch it snow, snow, snow.


  1. It is very pretty but not what you really want in Spring!

  2. Oh Bruce, at first I thought this was a Friday Funny but I see it is real! Hope you are cozy and warm!

  3. Curse of the Leprechauns! Every year a couple of days of snow around this time. This is a heavy snowfall though.

  4. Wow, that's crazy! I'm not expecting any more snow here and will have my winter tires taken off soon. (that might cause some snow though)

  5. Two blogposts in one day! Slow down Bruce - you're going wild man!

  6. It's like a second Christmas there.

  7. I'm glad you can enjoy it from inside. I would call that a spring (meteorological) snow. As you say, it won't last.

  8. It really does look like Christmas season there. Brrr! (NewRobin13)
