Tuesday, March 4, 2025


This mini-post is just to let you know I'm still alive and well.

Just lazy and inspiration-less.

But don't worry.

I have a couple of baking projects I'm tossing around and I'll have to bore you with photos of the results.

That is, if I ever get off my . . . butt.

I did do some vacuuming today.

But most of the rest of the time I'm just doing enough to keep from turning into an amoebic blob.

According to the Almighty Google, that's another term for a slime mold.

I need a nap.


  1. I wasn't worried. I've been working with Bezos and Musk, your pacemaker will notify me if there is an issue.

  2. Hurray for naps and cooking! I love it when you share your creations.

  3. Just recharging your batteries for the think tank. Everyone needs some time off.

  4. Oh dear Bruce! I think you need to invest in a stretchy towel headband and take up zumba classes. At your age that is more realistic than heading out for a five mile run.

  5. There's no movie for I Married a Dead Man. So, I'll have to one day read the book. I did watch the movie about Bride Wore Black. Loved it. Especially, how she finagled her way into prison to take care of that last guy. BTW, good to know you're still alive, LOL.

  6. We are in the elderly category and retired, so we can do as much or as little as we want. No guilt.

  7. sometimes we just don't have anything to say. It's hard to churn out something every day.

  8. Good to know. Keep on keeping on.

  9. Go have that nap, naps are therapeutic. Well, that's my excuse.

  10. I am on trajectory to amoebic blob status.
    Must get out more...

  11. Take care of yourself, hide as needed, it is okay to pull the blanket up over our heads and shield ourselves HWSNBN

  12. I think we have all been feeling a bit battered lately. It will be okay. If you run out of vacuuming, you are welcome to wander over my way, but I do like Margaret's take on it. These are our golden years, and if we don't feel like doing something, well...we can always do it tomorrow. And if it turns out that there is not a tomorrow, well, aren't you glad you didn't spend your last day vacuuming?

  13. It's hard to keep upbeat with all of the craziness swirling around us. Take good care of you!

  14. Always so glad to see a post here and know that all is as well as can be expected these days. I guess we all have to keep on keeping on. (NewRobin13)

  15. Every time I think I can do that blob thing, I come up with something to do, damn it.
