It's my lucky month, the fourth of the year.
I was born on 4-24-1940.
Judy and I have another wedding anniversary on April 7th.
Cynthia Nixon, the actress and political activist and daughter of my old Mexico days friend Walter, marks another year on the 9th.
The BRD has another birthday on April 11th.
My son, Troy, celebrates another trip around the sun on the 15th.
A former colleague, Ramblin' Ron does the same thing on the 16th.
A fellow blogger and former colleague, Tom and his lovely Lana, have another anniversary on the 19th.
I share my natal day with Shirley MacLaine and Barbara Streisand, among others.
By the time my big day (and this year it is a big one) comes around, can you imagine I'll be goggle-eyed?
Oh and, of course, today is April Fools' Day.
Enjoy it and stay well.