Friday, June 14, 2024


Well, here we are again at the penultimate day before a weekend.

It looks good for a hot time in the old town.

We consider ourselves fortunate.

Our old toaster oven/air fryer has been relocated to the garage and mostly forgotten.

Except for this time of year in our environs when it's just too warm to turn on the oven in the house.

So the other day I baked some Trader Joe's Mandarin Orange Chicken in the device we had nearly forgotten.

We got a hot meal and the house stayed cool.

Good old a.c.

Anyway enough about that.

Let me entertain you!

Now, if there are any (many) of these gems that you don't understand just think about it for awhile and it will come to you.

Speaking of coming to you, you don't think I'd forget these guys, did you?

Here in Arizona, we call it a FRIED-DAY!

All right, I'll stop.

I'm not complainin', just explainin'.

So go ahead, wherever you are and feel free to have an amazingly stupendous weekend.

But always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . sorry, couldn't resist one more . . )

Thursday, June 13, 2024


This tune has been running through my head today.

So I decided to share my earworm with you.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 What do Florida and Arizona have in common?

It's 97 here in the foothills where I live.

111 down in Phoenix.

"But it's a dry heat!"

Bet you've heard that before.

Well, the humidity right now here is at 7 percent.

Now that's dry heat.

Kinda like the type that blasts you in the face when you open the oven door to check on your pizza.

But you can bet there won't be anyone in the back seat of your car waiting to kill you.

Monday, June 10, 2024


Readers of this blog have been very kind in their comments about the mural Judy and Gayle are doing to the old, brown fence in our side yard.

So here's where it stands this morning.

I have left a bit of the original fence in the photo on the far left to let you see the difference.

Here is a closer view of the area that Judy has been "dabbling" on, to use her phrase.

As she says, there's a great lot still to be done but it is definitely an improvement.

( . . to be continued . . )


I can't keep her away from her fence mural.

And why should I?

So my job is to help her with her supplies (you could ask her where she found a missing brush yesterday).

And from time to time photograph her and show you my impressions.

I think she resembles Van Gogh in that hat but thankfully she still has both of her ears.

Sunday, June 9, 2024


Not having anything of any great moment to write about today I was about to leave this space blank and allow you all to contemplate the stumpers in the Friday Funnies some more.

But then Comical Carol saved the day.

By way of explanation, I should tell you that the heat is on here in the Southwestern United States with daily high temperatures pushing 100 degrees F. the past week and over 110 down in poor old Phoenix.

And it can only get hotter over the next several months.

So this advice comes at the exact correct time.

One other strange thought: when I was typing the first sentence above my fingers apparently were going faster (or slower?) than my mind and the phrase "great moment" came on the screen as "groment".

Maybe I've just coined a new word for the dictionary folks.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Les drĂ´les du vendredi . . . (THE FRIDAY FUNNIES)

 With that teensy French lesson (see above if you missed it) we launch once again into our weekly nattering of noisy knockabout.

It is time one more time (hmm, is that too much?) for our timely humor time.

(Aw, geez!)

So let me shut up (PUHLEEZE!!!) and get on with the gaseous gagology.

(C'mon, c'mon)

Oh, you're groaning.

I KNOW you're groaning!

I love it!

So with that love in the air, please go out to your respective milieus and have a marvelous weekend!

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . ooooohhh . . . )