Friday, May 18, 2018


Ah, Gentle Readers, it is Friday and you've nearly made it through another week.

Time for some humor.

This week we're headed for the wide open spaces.

Sort of.

Told ya!

O.K. I can hear you screaming with laughter so I think that's enough for this week.

Now, listen up: your mission this weekend is to have an excruciatingly elegant time, the envy of your neighbors and ending everlasting ennui.

Uh, yesssss.

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018


"No, not that one."

"THAT one."

Saturday, May 12, 2018


"I'm studying it."

"I gotta have it."

(the strap from my camera)

Friday, May 11, 2018


If it's already Saturday where you live, I'm sorry, okay?

I know I'm late but I've been busy.

There's a huge brush fire quite near to me (burning away from me, thankfully) and I've been keeping track of it.

At any rate, it's bearing down on the weekend and you know what that means.

Well, yes, there is that, of course.

But today (or yesterday, maybe, where you live.  Sheesh!) it's time for The Friday Funnies.

And to get them started, I offer a bowl of soup . . .

 . . . and salad!

Are you sensing a theme here?

All right, just to change the focus a bit.

Just a wee bit.

And in case you really didn't get the message . . .

Okay, with that final (heh-heh) happy thought let me wish you a phantastic, phabulous weekend full of words that begin with p but you'd never know it.

Like "pneumonia".

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


Tuesday, May 8, 2018


When I stepped out my front door recently I spotted a strange sight on the roof of my neighbor's garage.

I recognized it's distinctive shape immediately and identified it as a roadrunner.

Rather surprisingly, it remained while I ran into the house and grabbed my camera.

Wikipedia tells me that roadrunners become inured to humans and this one certainly showed no fear as I edged closer and focused my zoom lens on it.

I'm not sure if it was warming itself in the sun or just on lookout for something to eat, or maybe a mate.

The Wikipedia article says the birds are monogamous and mate for life, usually remaining in their "territory" for a full year.

They are also known as chaparral birds or chaparral cocks.

Mexican Indians and American Indians consider it good luck to spot a roadrunner and since they eat a variety of bugs and snakes, including rattlesnakes, I consider it good luck to have them in the neighborhood.

Plus, they are quite a stunning specimen.

(And not once did it go "beep-beep".)

Monday, May 7, 2018


Baseball Steve treated me to a Diamondbacks game in Phoenix yesterday.

Since I have aged, the rake of his normal seats in the third deck have given me a vertigo problem so I had declined invitations to the ball park.

But Steve solved that problem by trading his seats for seats in handicapped areas on the days when we go to a game.

Yesterday we sat in a new area to us, in center field, where our view was like this.

I might add that we did get a good look at the center fielders, like the hero of the Diamondbacks win over the Houston Astros, A.J. Pollock, and the opposing team's George Springer.

We found ourselves directly below the broadcast booth where the post-game analysis was done by Todd Walsh and Mark Grace.

And we were fairly near to the famous swimming pool which was the landing zone for a home run ball that was the only score for the current World Champion Astros yesterday.

And as usual there was an attendee at the game wearing a New York Yankees tee-shirt.

All in all it was a fun day at the "old ball park" and a chance to spend time with a pal I've had since the mid-70's.

When I got home I was looking at a picture of Steve and I at Chase Field that I finally determined must have been taken at least ten years ago.

Back then Steve still had a beard and, as SWMBO unkindly pointed out, my hair was considerably darker than it is today!

Lot of years in the saddle.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Friday, May 4, 2018


All right, all right, I know you've been waiting less than patiently for me.

Some people are in such a hurry.

So let's ge . . . what the heck?


Everybody wants to get in the act!

So, anyway, on this edition of The Friday Funnies we're going to have a little fun with the Great (but only second largest) State of Texas!


That last one is my favorite . . . how about you?

And Texans, I'm only pickin' on you because I used to live there back in the early 90's so I'm at least a former Texan.

Now for everyone, tomorrow is a big day in Texas and Arizona and even Chicago (not so much in Mexico but hey . . .) so I want all of you in the Cinco de Mayo sense to ¡Qué lo paséis bien!

In other words, enjoy yourselves and let the joy spread throughout the weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Prescott Valley, Arizona
as a wet cold front moves through

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


It's been quite awhile since we've seen a cat in our yard, with the exception of Maddy, who likes to snooze under the bushes and trees in front.

But this morning . . .

. . . look who showed up.

Our neighbor across the street has a black cat but he/she wears a collar while this one doesn't.

But he sure seems tame.

When I brought Blackwell's attention to him he didn't bat an eye.

In fact, he displayed how much fear he had of this big bulky home-protector by turning his back.

This seemed to drive Blackwell a bit into a frenzy as he crouched and glared.

There are no more pictures (HEY, I heard that sign of relief!) but when the interloper headed over toward the glass slider in the other room, Blackwell raced over there and stood only a foot or two from him pawing heedlessly at the barrier.

And when the dark stranger moved off around the side of the house, Blackwell ran to the kitchen window where he got one last glance.

If ours was an "outside" cat the two of them probably would have a scrap, then make up and run off together.

But an hour or so later, Blackwell is resting comfortably on my bed from his bout of nervous exhaustion.

And life (as we know it) goes on.