On the left a Wisteria vine, on the right a Honeysuckle.
The honeysuckle is wearing what I call it's long underwear.
Not to keep it warm but to protect the tender shoots from the heat.
At least that's what SWMBO claims and I do not argue with her.
That stuff up on top is still artificial but the birds don't seem to mind.
There's another healthier Honeysuckle over against the wall.
When it has blossoms we've seen the occasional hummingbird hovering around it.
We've added some stepping stones and more bark to beautify the area somewhat.
I was worried that all that foliage and ironware might confuse the birds seeking a drink or a bath.
But they've shown their innate ability to weave under and around and prove me wrong.
( Did I just hear him say "Who's the birdbrain around here?" )