Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I really need to get out more.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sunday, June 22, 2014


When I first heard Charlie Mingus in college, I thought "that's crazy."  Not crazy, like hip.  Just bizarre and insane.  But I grew to love his music.  

Years later I learned he was a native of Nogales, Arizona, on the Mexican border.  I have no idea where he came up with this music, living down there.

But I'm glad he did.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


The other night on my back patio . . .

. . . pineapple, lemon, corn on the cob, onion, peppers, zucchini, ready for the grill . . .

. . . joining some chicken breasts . . .

. . . and the heat is on . . .

. . . nearly done now as my stomach growls can be heard through the neighborhood.

It was delicious.  And, by the way, if you've never tried grilled pineapple you've missed one of the true culinary pleasures of life.

Bon appétit!

Friday, June 20, 2014


Oh, yes I did!  You all thought I wouldn't remember what day it was, didn't you?  Well I did.  So there.

Sometimes it's the smallest things in life that can drive you CRAZY! Know what I mean?

But we've discovered a way to make her feel better.

Here's one just for my step-daughter, the BRD, who seems to relate to these.

That may have stemmed from the "good old days".

Ah well, you can always count on the feline species to keep you amused.  Well.  Me, anyway.

Meanwhile, in the other room . . .

What's that?  You're not laughing yet?  Well . . .

Okay, that's it folks.  Unlike my friend above, keep smiling and have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


California - the 1970's
Former South Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky
Madame Ky
and me

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


The finches have fled.  Well not fled, exactly, but they've abandoned their nest and their young.  Or fledged them though Judy doesn't think the babies had enough time to fledge.  But she had noticed over the past few days that the mama finch had stopped coming to the nest. Finally yesterday I got a ladder out for her and she climbed up to find a very neat but empty nest.  We hadn't seen any babies on the ground or seen any alarmed activity by the parents but then we've had other things to do than watch the finches.  At any rate, Judy took the nest down and disposed of it and cleaned off the pillar with a hose.  We'll see if they return to the same spot to create another nest.

They still visit the bird bath in the back yard frequently though we have yet to see one actually bathe.  But they like the water to drink, as do the Mountain Jays that visit from time to time.

Oh, and we did have a snake visitor the other day.  The cats spotted it first as it came out of the front yard and into the street, when Judy spotted it.  I went outside to take a look.  He looked like a rattlesnake but when I got fairly close I could not see any rattles and he didn't threaten.  Later I found one like him via The Google and decided it was a Long Nosed Snake, non-venomous.  Here's the one I found on the web.

Ours was very similar.  When I went out a few minutes later to get a photo of him he had crossed the street and disappeared.

The Google says they feed on lizards and amphibians.  Nothing about baby birds who have fallen from their nest and are helpless on the ground.  So we can forget about that, I think.

The bunnies are still around in the evening.

Last night we had two in the yard at once and then I caught a glimpse of a couple more running in the street out back.  We don't have any garden plants so they're harmless to us and fun to watch. And it gives Judy something else to put water out for.

The wind is quieter today but seems to be indicating a desire to kick up once again.

Such is life in MY little Wild Kingdom.