Friday, March 20, 2015


I just had a couple of words with Mario Andretti. But that's a story for another day. Tomorrow maybe.

Today is Friday. (Isn't it? I've been a little confused this week. Yeah, it's Friday.)

So let's get on with the hilarity that makes this day one you all wait for, week after week, year after year. 

Oh, by the way, did you hear Microsoft is finally dumping Internet Explorer for a new browsing system?

Thanks, Mr. Gates.

O.K. folks, that's all. (Who said thankfully??!!!)

Thanks to all my contributors (you know who you are), have a great weekend, and keep laughing! You'll live longer.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


I can't come anywhere close to the Wednesday ThrowBack Thursday post that appeared here yesterday. The mistake in posting it a day early was mine. So the best I can do is post a photo which I find I posted just about two years ago of a couple of clowns. 

And no, the one on the right is not a young Harpo Marx, though it may be his doppelganger. In truth (and in apology for that crack) it is my granddaughter Christy. She is now a young woman of 30-something who combines two seemingly disparate careers: state prison corrections officer and very talented tattoo artist. On second thought, the two may not be so much unrelated.

I suppose I could also apologize for that puka shell necklace I'm wearing.

But I won't.

Happy (real) Thursday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


What can I say? SWMBO, the author of the post below, just came in and said, "Do you realize you did ThrowBack Thursday on Wednesday? Today is Wednesday."

I said she was smart. 

And I'm an idiot.

So, this week there shall be TWO ThrowBack Thursdays. Read the post below and enjoy it.


Today is ThrowBack Thursday and I have invited a guest blogger to entertain you. SWMBO. That's She Who Must Be Obeyed, for newcomers to Oddball Observations. Also known as Judy Taylor, my wife and a talented writer. Take us back, Judy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Former hubby and I were building a house with the aid and comfort of my contractor father. It was on land given to us by my parents. Land that had been in the family for over a hundred years. My grandparents lived in a house in the woods behind us. My parents lived in front of us on the State Road.

Although there were discussions (arguments) now and then, nothing came close to the Sunday morning when it was time to start laying the hardwood flooring in the 16- by 30-foot living room.

I was determined to have my flooring laid on a 45 degree angle, having seen this in a design magazine some time in the past. The two men, my father and my hubby, insisted, "It cannot be done. We already have the material and there would be too much waste cutting all those 45 degree angles every time we reach the other side of the room."

I said, "No waste. The piece you cut over there will fit perfectly over here."

"That won't work."

"Yes it will and that is what I want."







It was a warm spring morning and my mother was outside her house tending to her garden. She heard the clamour and walked down through the woods to see what it was all about.

"What is going on? I can hear all of you from our house."

"I want my flooring laid in a 45 degree angle and they won't do it!"

I was crying by this time.

My mother looked at her stubborn husband and her stubborn son-in-law and said, "This is her house. Do what she wants!"

She turned around and left both men speechless. They put down most of that floor that day. When it was finished my dad, who had fought hard against the idea, began bringing building clients to look at "his" prize project.

Then. We had gone to a marble quarry in southern Indiana to buy window sills for the house. While there we decided the rough marble would be great for our retaining wall. And it would be great for the fireplace in the living room. So we ordered tons of random slabs of marble delivered to our site.

The day came to build the fireplace facing. Hubby was struggling with pieces of marble, trying to set them all alike. Like bricks. I appeared on the scene and said, "THESE PIECES ARE NOT BRICKS! THEY NEED TO BE RANDOM!"

He said, "If you don't like what I'm doing . . then do it yourself."

And I did.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

(Catalyst again: I was prompted to ask Judy to write this piece because I had heard the story and because of a blog posting by Val the Victorian the other day. If you haven't read it, read it here.)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Today bein' March 17th it's the day for the wearin' o' the green. (And corny fake Irish accents.)

So, don a shamrock, grab a pint and join in the fun.

Not everyone has an Irish leprechaun to wish them well. But I do.

His name is Jerry Michael Welsh, better known as Big Jerry. I met him through my good friend Reed. Jerry is truly Irish from his year- round shorts and Hawaiian shirts down to his huge, welcoming smile. His emails always sign off the same way.

Forever and For Always Irish!!!

Yesterday's email included an Irish Friendship Wish:

May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you;
And may you be in heaven a half hour
     before the devil knows you're dead.

Jerry is a kind friend of animals as he is a friend of any man or woman. He is a true leprechaun.

It seems strange to thrust such praise on a man I've only met once in my life. Maybe it's Irish magic.

I had another Irish friend many years ago, a fine news reporter with a dogged and quirky personality. He's gone now but I'll always remember Will Murphy.

To them and to you, I wish a happy St. Patrick's Day.

Monday, March 16, 2015


. . . little Jimmy Madison was born.

Well actually, his given name was James Madison and he was born on March 16th, 1751. He later in life became known as the Father of the Constitution, though he referred to it as a product of many heads and many hands.

Madison served two terms as the fourth President of the United States and, though he tried to keep the country out of war, he was plagued by a second battle with the British for independence known as the War of 1812. The British captured Washington and burned the White House in 1814 but Madison's plucky wife, Dolley, managed to save a portrait of George Washington before fleeing.

They were a pretty good pair, the Madisons. So let's strike up the band and salute them both today.

This next picture has absolutely nothing to do with the Madisons but something about the brilliant display of white blossoms made me think of Jimmy so . . here it is.

The tree is just one street over from my back door and I was struck by it while out on my daily walk the other day.

By the way, today's date also marks the day Judge Roy Bean, the so-called "Law West of the Pecos", died in Langtry, Texas, in 1903. I haven't found a hanging tree to commemorate him. But there is a namesake watering hole in Prescott named after Bean's legendary saloon.

So, maybe after saluting the Madisons, we might all stop off at the Jersey Lilly and raise a glass to the old reprobate, "Judge" Roy Bean.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Over at the Prescott Valley Civic Center, where government lives, there is a lot of concrete. The plazas and hillsides in the area would be ideal for skateboarders, you might think. But No! There are pedestrians around here and the town leaders don't want them run down.

Hence, the unfriendly sign.

As you can perhaps tell, some in the younger generation have not taken kindly to the admonition.

But the town means business and here is one example of the force of law. A nice curving ramp has had stones cemented to it to deter the rapscallions from using it for an adventure course.

So begone, skateboarders!

But cheer up. There is a fine skateboarding facility designed for your use.

Unfortunately it's in Prescott, eight miles away.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


This is our birdbath (and our flagstone walk) in our back yard.

This is a closer view.

Hey! I said BIRD-bath!

Who let that bee in here?

Dear?  There was a bee in our bath and he's left me feeling all fuzzy.

Where is he? I'll take care of him!!!

So ends today's saga of the birds and the bee(s).

What? You were expecting something different?

Friday, March 13, 2015


Oh, drat! I hate when I have to tell you that it is Friday the 13th. A day filled with omens and portents and all that bad stuff.  "Twaddle!", says I.  "Superstititous twaddle!" Let us not be fearful of a simple date on a calendar. Let us march forth into the fray, fearful of naught! Let us go into battle armed with smiles on our faces and carrying with us . . . THE FRIDAY FUNNIES!

I'm not so sure who "IM" is (didn't catch that, didya?) but I'd avoid him.  Or her.

Let us not forget, this was the week that we were able to spend a ridiculous amount of money on yet another amazing new technology item.

That guy looks like John Goodman, doesn't he?

How much money does one need anyway?

I mean, after the first million.

I saw Princess Kate on t.v. last night and SWMBO reminded me that she was "expecting" a baby soon.  "The Spare", y'know.

Me? It's nearing Saturday, the usual day when the Bible Beaters begin ringing our bell.  But, expecting them, this year I've got a secret weapon.

There is nothing like a cat to set them right.  Right?

That's all, folks.  Keep smiling and thanks to all of my contributors (and victims of theft.)

Oh, and if my little attempts at humor offended anyone, what did you expect?  It's Friday the 13th!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

ThrowBack Thursday

Mexico Days - Guadalajara - the 1980's.

A couple of cats - Our newly acquired Chulapay and I - buddies.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


As yesterday's post implied, the nearing of Spring brings growth to the land. But it's not all in our plant life.

The StoneRidge Development, where I live in Prescott Valley, is growing also.

Electrical cables are being hooked up, presumably to serve that new home abuilding on the ridge in the background and many more beyond it.

On another ridge another home is being finished. And you can see a road being scraped up the hillside beyond it, preparing for more construction.

Nearby a lot has been scraped relatively level and workmen are preparing the site for another home.

Eventually I suppose it will all look like that hilltop in the distance. And more homes will be built downslope, as well.  The beginnings of a road are already there.

Meanwhile, turning the camera just a bit to the right, you can see the golf course that winds over hill and dale and amidst many of the homes . . already built, abuilding and planned for the future.

Continuing down StoneRidge Drive we come upon Prescott Valley Crossroads, a 600,000 square foot shopping development.  It currently houses Sam's Club, Dick's Sporting Goods, Sprouts, TJ Maxx, Ulta, Chase Bank, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby and many smaller shops and fast food restaurants.  Another one is on the way.

This pile of concrete will morph into a Chipotle restaurant soon, scheduled for a June opening.

A bit further along is this building, which will house a Men's Wearhouse (menswear), Sport Clips (a men's hair salon), and MattressFIRM (a mattress firm).

So, yes, Spring is on the way and so is growth in Prescott Valley.

Monday, March 9, 2015


According to the calendar, the first day of Spring is only 11 days away. I'm sure that is fantastic news to the snow- and ice-bound of you. And for my fellow baseball fans, the regular season is now less than a month away. I can't wait.

All of which is prelude to an update on the flora outside my window.

The Redbud tree is full of buds that are, appropriately, red.

Actually I'd call the color sort of a magenta but a Magenta Bud tree just doesn't sound right. And I didn't name the darned thing anyway.

Beneath it, the Oregon Grape (which SWMBO had originally called a holly bush because of the leaves) is blooming with bright yellow blossoms.

Eventually those will turn into blue berries, though not blueberries.

The plant guides say they're edible but neither I nor my good friend Stephen, who lives in Oregon, have had the courage to try them. We shall designate them as decorative.

Other shrubs out front are beginning to bloom, too, so maybe Spring really is on the way.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


SWMBO has a Christmas cactus. It's so-called because the edges of the leaves are sharp and spiny . . .

. . . and because the plant is supposed to be full of red blossoms at Christmas.

But hers is reluctant.  She may get one blossom at Yuletide or none.

I'm beginning to think it's a St. Patrick's Day cactus because as that holiday approaches, the plant is revving into high gear.

Keep in mind that is only one blossom, shot from several angles.

But a couple more buds are about to burst, promising more "Christmas" glory in March.

Happy St. Nicholas and St. Patrick's Days!

Saturday, March 7, 2015


This post is intended to appeal to your sweet tooth. 

If you like chocolate.

And, if you don't, what the heck are you doing here anyway?

I've been baking a little recently.

A week or so ago I created a delicious chocolate cake with a rich chocolate frosting. 

Unfortunately I didn't photograph it.

But we ate it.

Yesterday I tried another new recipe.

Here is the result.

It's called a chocolate truffle pie.

If that doesn't sound rich enough for you . .

. . you have to try a piece with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce.

Believe your eyes and my words.

It's rich enough.