Friday, August 21, 2020


My calendar informed me that today is the third anniversary of the day my fourth Pacemaker was installed in my chest.

Since it and I are still "ticking" I guess I owe it a happy birthday wish.

The first one went in on Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) of 2007 so I've been living on borrowed time with a mechanically stimulated heartbeat for a little over 13-and-a-third years.

What better time for The Friday Funnies, right?

And with that we bid a fond adieu to another humorous week.

Now Gentle Readers, Cartoon Lovers and Fellow Zanies, let's all have a fabulous effing weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Oh, he/she is hiding but he/she left a note . . .

Thursday, August 20, 2020


Our very healthy Chive plant has been putting out towering flower stalks recently.

Judy trimmed them off, brought them inside and put them in a vase.

So I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to take a decent photo of them.

I've played around with my photo editing software and what I've come up with are some sorta interesting images.

See what you think.

At least it kept me from totally wasting a couple of hours.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Tuesday morning production.

The big one is a Bread Machine loaf of Whole Wheat, studded with Craisins (dried cranberries).

The other two are English Muffin bread.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


As you've no doubt heard, today is the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote.

It came when a 24 year old State Representative in the Tennessee legislature changed his vote and broke a tie.

Harry T. Burn was the youngest member of the body and had voted against ratification several times.

But then, shortly before the decisive vote he received a note from his mother, which read in part:

        "Hurrah and vote for Suffrage and don't keep them in doubt.

           With lots of love, Mama"

Burn later inserted a statement in the House Journal: "I knew that a mother's advice is always safest for a boy to follow, and my mother wanted me to vote for ratification."

So let's issue a thank you to Febb Burn of Niota, Tennessee.

Mama's advice prompted a momentous event in American history.

Monday, August 17, 2020



I bitched and it rained.

Tonight, at about 6:30, as our television was telling us that Joe Biden would make things better, we received the first real rainfall of this year's Monsoon (nonsoon) Season.

But I give full credit to my whining, complaining and . . yes . . bitching.


We had a couple of fledgling robins in the bird bath this morning, splashing and soaking.

For long periods they just sat there in the water, seeming to be trying to figure out how they had become so lucky on another hot day in Arizona.

(It's 88 degrees at 9:30 a.m. as I'm typing this.)

I have thought a lot about hot weather and lack of rain since I wrote yesterday's post.

A different Robin commented that she didn't think it should ever get above 70 degrees.

While I insist that I don't mind the heat, I'd conjecture that the ideal day would be one where the temperature hovered at about 75.

I seem to be troubled recently by biting insects of some type or another which have prompted me to put my shorts away for awhile and go back to jeans.

Judy has long told me, and I fully agree, that I seem to attract mosquitoes while she repels them.

I haven't seen any skeeters and have been of the opinion that my itching comes from spiders nipping me while I'm asleep.

(Like someone more well-known than me, I make this statement with no proof or evidence.)

Like the hot weather, I am not alarmed by spiders while SWMBO reacts violently.

Well I suspect I've gotten myself into more trouble than I wanted now so I think I'll close this stream of consciousness soliloquy for the day.

Stay safe.

Sunday, August 16, 2020


Nice photo but it's wishful thinking.

I found this picture of the sky over a neighbor's roof on my camera and vaguely remembered taking it.

But it was a few days ago and if those clouds produced any rain they didn't drop it on me.

We are in the midst of a hot dry period that looks like it's going to last for awhile with the mercury touching and sometimes exceeding the 100 degree mark.

By the latter part of this coming week that's supposed to be down to the low to mid 90's.

Still too hot for the "so-called" Monsoon Season and no real rain in sight.

I know.

Gripe, gripe, gripe.

Actually it doesn't bother me but I seem to have a higher tolerance factor for heat than SWMBO, who is growing more and more testy about my referring to the weather as "balmy".

I made one of my rare visits to a grocery store early this morning and found everyone . . customers and employees . . wearing masks, which pleased me.

Judy doesn't like it when I enter a store so my visits are few and far between.

I can understand people's irritation at the many safeguards but I can't imagine why some take the pandemic so lightly and complain loudly about the removal of "their rights" when they're told they must wear a mask.


Life goes on with tribulations for all of us.

Stay safe, friends.

Saturday, August 15, 2020


My latest baking effort:

An Apple Pecan Crumble.

SWMBO says it's too sweet but I noticed she scarfed down a hunk of it last night.

(As did I.)

Friday, August 14, 2020


Just thinking . . . if yesterday was Taco Thursday (and it was at our house) this must be the day for The Friday Funnies.

Crank up the laugh machine, Gentle Readers.

Owwwww, that last one makes my teeth hurt.

Well, punsters and others, please treat yourselves and others properly on this scorching (at least here) weekend and enjoy it to the fullest.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, August 13, 2020


Earlier this week I made the point that my avatar, Catalyst, had nothing to do with cats.

But, I wrote, it is true that I do love cats.

Going way back.

That's a two-year-old Bruce with a cat on his lap.

I have no idea what its name was or even if it belonged to my family.

But that smug grin tells a story.

A few years, well, decades later found me in Guadalajara, Mexico, with a new friend.

Chulapay (Spanglish for Cutie Pie) liked the warmth from my desk lamp.

Or my velour shirt.

Or maybe he just liked me in those days.

A few years later he had grown up and come back to "the States" with us, where he was joined by a young tabby we named Muggles.

Muggles grew up too . . .

. . . and was joined by a prankster named Jazz.

We enjoyed each other's company, if there was enough room.

Along the way some strays came along.

Smoke, who gave up his acrobatic ways to move in.

And Goldie, who only enjoyed our outdoor chairs.

And there was little, feisty Blacky Detroit.

Once he joined the family and quit fighting the neighborhood cats, he morphed into a more refined name, Blackwell.

Muggles ended up being our last "house cat".

For now we have to be comfortable with occasional visits by our neighbors' cat, Matty, who I refer to as our rent-a-cat.

He bears a resemblance to Muggles and he likes to stop in for snacks and a nap on our couch.

He keeps us in touch with our feelings for felines.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020