Sunday, August 16, 2020


Nice photo but it's wishful thinking.

I found this picture of the sky over a neighbor's roof on my camera and vaguely remembered taking it.

But it was a few days ago and if those clouds produced any rain they didn't drop it on me.

We are in the midst of a hot dry period that looks like it's going to last for awhile with the mercury touching and sometimes exceeding the 100 degree mark.

By the latter part of this coming week that's supposed to be down to the low to mid 90's.

Still too hot for the "so-called" Monsoon Season and no real rain in sight.

I know.

Gripe, gripe, gripe.

Actually it doesn't bother me but I seem to have a higher tolerance factor for heat than SWMBO, who is growing more and more testy about my referring to the weather as "balmy".

I made one of my rare visits to a grocery store early this morning and found everyone . . customers and employees . . wearing masks, which pleased me.

Judy doesn't like it when I enter a store so my visits are few and far between.

I can understand people's irritation at the many safeguards but I can't imagine why some take the pandemic so lightly and complain loudly about the removal of "their rights" when they're told they must wear a mask.


Life goes on with tribulations for all of us.

Stay safe, friends.


  1. I'm with Judy, hunkering down to endure the searing. We do shop, but in our little area mask compliance is pretty good, and of course we always wear our.

  2. We're hitting the mid-nineties today, hot for Seattle. I find most customers are wearing masks, even properly at Safeway, but the employees are mostly using them as chin warmers.

  3. We have come out of hibernation and have met a friend for a meal outside on a patio with the waiter nicely masked and us distancing from each other. It was nice to feel a bit normal. I have 3 different masks on the go and always wear one if I go inside anywhere and often even on the street. Crazy times.

  4. Everyone has to wear a mask in our grocery store...they have a person watching to make sure it happens. I'm so grateful for that.

  5. It's so frustrating when it's supposed to be the rainy season and all you're getting is dry heat!

    I was in the grocery store today and several staff members didn't have a mask. Argh!

  6. I'm not a fan of hot weather at all. I was talking to a neighbor yesterday (both of us in masks), temps in the mid-70s and we were griping about the few days of weather we had that was hotter than 80. EIGHTY!!! We agreed, it should never get hotter than 70. Nice photo.
