Down 15 pounds since early February.
For those concerned about my health I should add that the reduction in my size has slowed considerably in recent days.
I had been concerned about a quite low blood pressure, however, and had wondered several days ago if I should cut down on my blood pressure medication.
I gave my cardiologist's office a couple of weeks of readings this morning and heard from them this afternoon.
Yes, cut the Carvedilol in half, came the advice and see how it's going in another week.
I had already slightly increased another med I take for blood thinning and the reading had begun to tick back up as of this morning.
So, you think it's easy losing weight, do you?
When you're being treated for as many malfunctions of the body as I am, it's more of a balancing act than you might think.
Ah, yes, I know.
I've reached the age where we sit around talking about all of our aches and pains and maledictions of the body.
Like all the other old men I figure I've earned it so just sit there and listen!
I know who cares about me anyway!