In any good (?) marriage, there is a struggle between the masculine and the feminine participants.
The character traits of the two protagonists rise to the surface during prolonged activities such as joint projects or moving.
In our marriage I call it a battle between Wisdomatics and Brute Stupidity.
As I have aged I have learned that Wisdomatics must prevail.
In fact Wisdomatics SHOULD prevail and Brute Stupidity must and should take a back seat.
And Brute Stupidity DOES take a back seat, whether by one's own realization that Wisdomatics position is the correct one or by virtue of Raised Voices from said Wisdomatic.
So, except for one slight error way, way back in the mists of time by a Wisdomatic with an attributed name of Eve, the distaff side of a couple is (almost) always right, should be listened to with Humble-icity, with Acceptance-icity and with, above all, Obedience-icity.
No matter how strange it looks, Wisdomatics' way is the right way.
Or, at least the way it eventually will be done.
Men of the world, aka Practitioners of Brute Stupidity, hear my words.
Or more importantly, those of your very own Wisdomatic.
Your life will be much more pleasant.