Saturday, July 25, 2020


Allow me to introduce you to the BRD's kid sister.

Caryn and her husband Big Russ have recently made a big move, from their home in Oregon to a new retirement home.

Now this picture, taken on the rear deck of their home, appears to show a pretty nice area, doesn't it?

There's a canal there which winds it's way right out to the Gulf.

Wait, did he say "Gulf"?

Yes, these young retirees have moved from cool, rainy and snowy Oregon to the sun-dappled shores of Padre Island, right next to Corpus Christi, Texas.

And you know what's going on there today, don't you?

Yep, the first hurricane of the season.

I spoke with Caryn this morning and she was laughing and saying it was only a Category 1 storm so they've battened down the hatches and plan to ride it out.

As the BRD said, "Welcome to the Gulf Coast!"