Friday, November 5, 2021


 We come together to the end of another trying week, eh, Dorm Buddies?

The Lutherans, the Catholics and the Reeses eaters among us.

My very own stepdaughter, the BRD, railed at me over that damnable Wednesday Brain Teaser, pointing out that the candy shown wasn't Reeses Pieces anyway, but Reeses peanut butter cups.

So, with great humility and shame, I take it upon myself to throw caution to the winds and tell you of another of my great Halloween loves, a love many of you do not share: candy corn; and show what you haters out there advise how to enjoy it.

That one was gifted to me from another of my humor purveyors, Comical Carol.

I am so fortunate to have such sneering faithful friends.

But now let us get on to the business at hand: The Friday Funnies.


And finally, this next one is my favorite this week.

Take it from a guy who has owned a couple of Impalas in his time.

Well, that's it, Gentle Readers, you're on your own now.

But please have a ginormously great weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(awwwww . . .)

(Special thanks to Baseball Steve for that one!)

Thursday, November 4, 2021


 I titled yesterday's post a brain teaser and for most of you who commented it apparently was just that.

My friend Wally, who sent the toon to me, suggested last night that perhaps a bit of a history lesson was in the works.

I agree so here it is.

October 31st is Halloween, no dispute on that.

It arose from an old Celtic celebration called Samhain, marked by the wearing of costumes and gathering around bonfires to ward off ghosts.

Later on the Roman Catholic church declared November 1st to be All Saints Day and the night before to be All Hallows Eve and later Halloween.

Now legend has it that in 1517 a monk in Wittenberg, Germany chose that evening to nail his 95 grievances with the Catholic church to the church door because he knew the church would be full of worshippers the next day.

That monk was Martin Luther and his act is seen as the opening act of Reformation, or the split between the Catholic and Protestant churches.

Hence, Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to a church door.

Now, speeding up the time machine radically, we come to 2021 and what do we see?

Halloween and 95 candy bags nailed (tacked) to a door behind a pumpkin adorned with the face of . . . Martin Luther!

So, 1517 Halloween, Martin Luther and his 95 Theses.

2021 Halloween, Martin Luther and his 95 Reeses.

It's a pun, folks, a visual pun.

And with that, let us put it to rest and take a look at some autumnal foliage around my town.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 My most regular supplier of humor for this blog hit me with a late-ish Halloween treat yesterday.

It took each of us a little time to figure it out.

Let's hear how long it takes you Gentle Readers to solve the puzzle.

Be honest now.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021



(With thanks to my mainstay, Wacky Wally!)

Monday, November 1, 2021

Dia de los Muertos


The Day of the Dead is celebrated not as a period of mourning but as one or two days of joyful celebration, supposedly when the souls of the deceased come back to visit their family and enjoy the food and drink that they loved in life.

Marigolds with their bright color are displayed widely to lighten the path back through the darkness.

These, from our yard, are not the typical flower used in Mexico.

The so-called Aztec Marigold has a round shape like a Chrysanthemum but the same bright color.

These sprang up along the edge of the patio, apparently from seed spilled from our tomato barrel.

Apparently they enjoy the abundant Arizona sunshine.

But getting back to the day(s) of the dead in Mexico, November 1st is traditionally a day to remember children that have died and November 2nd for adults.

Cemeteries are decorated and altars are built at homes.

And everywhere can be seen the bright golden color of the marigolds.

Sunday, October 31, 2021



Happy Halloween, everyone!

Thursday, October 28, 2021



It's the end of a week as good as any week can be, nowadays.

My beloved Arizona Cardinals finally lost a game, to the Green Bay Packers, on a mixed play with only 14 seconds left and victory in their grasp.


Why does one put oneself through this agony (of defeat), even if it's only experienced through the television tube.

Well, so it goes.

They still have 7 wins against only one defeat this year and are now tied for the best record in the National Football League.

Who'd of ever a-thunk it?

So let us enjoy what might have been and might still be.

And enjoy these simple laughs.

If that didn't leave you laughing/groaning, you haven't been paying attention.

So let me SHOUT at you, HAVE. A. GREAT. WEEKEND!

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .



Friday, October 22, 2021


A former mayor of New York City, Fiorello LaGuardia, was known for reading the funny papers on a radio station during a newspaper delivery strike in 1945.

While I have, so far at least, refrained from duplicating his feat I continue to bring you these weekly breaks from monotony in your daily lives.

(Curiously, LaGuardia spent a short part of his youth in nearby Prescott when his father was a bandmaster stationed at Fort Whipple.) 

Now that I've put you nearly to sleep with this historical aside let me get on to the business at hand.

And with special thanks to Laughing Lori from crosstown, who supplied me with a ton of puns this week, here's the one she said was her favorite.

Now I want all of you to have a terrific weekend, free from turmoil and tinkling with tintinnabulation.

And never forget to Always Keep Laughing!!!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Wow, you've grown! Or is that "groan".)

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


 I received a photo in my email yesterday.

It was taken in Paso Robles, California, at a winery introducing a new "bubbly", as my correspondent noted.

The handsome couple enjoying a taste of the new bottling are friends of some 52 years.

I first met them (as newlyweds) in 1969 in Indianapolis when Tom joined me in the newsroom at WIBC Radio.

Lana, at the time, was teaching school.

Now, Tom is the proprietor of the blog Light Breezes and Lana is an accomplished artist, master gardener and ace bread baker from their retirement home on the coast of California.

Though Tom and Lana remained in Indy until retirement beckoned them while Judy and I moved far away to Arizona and multiple other ports over the years, our two couples have managed to maintain our friendship.

It bothers me a bit to say we're "old" friends (though I suppose we all are now) so I'll stick with the words I used to title this post, "long-time friends."

As we say, Salud!  And as Tom says, Slainte!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021



"Where's Matty?"