Thursday, August 11, 2022


 Not much to report from here.

We're still looking to move next month to new digs.

As probably you all know, that's an agonizing ordeal. And it seems to get bigger as one gets older.

But if move we must, then move we shall.

Meantime SWMBO'S straggly Morning Glory plant finally popped a bloom today.

It's up at the top of the arbor but at last and at least she got one bloom out of the stubborn plant.

The Honeysuckle plants are putting out multiple blooms though.

We think they're enjoying the cooler weather and the monsoon moisture we've been getting nearly every day.

But the rains can bring some bad things too.

The other day I was sitting in the living room watching television and listening to the rumble of thunder outside when a tremendous CRACK of thunder accompanied simultaneously a brilliant white flash of light outside the front window.

I knew it had struck near us but it wasn't until a couple of days later when I discovered how near it was.

My across-the-street neighbor, where our visiting cat Matty lives, told me once he had planted a tree in his front yard and it had grown and grown and grown until it dwarfed his house.

The lightning bolt had struck that tree and split the top of it and thrown splintered branches everywhere.

I haven't spoken to him yet but I imagine that huge tree will have to be completely taken down.

I just know that's the closest I ever want to be to a lightning strike.

In brighter news, I went to the Taylor Family Bakery today and made a favorite of mine: Double Chocolate Banana Bread.

It's a recipe from Deb at the Smitten Kitchen.

I was experimenting a bit, baking it in our Toaster Oven instead of the big one.

I found it could have been baked a bit longer but the taste, as confirmed by SWMBO (who likes her chocolate!), was exquisite.

Sunday, August 7, 2022


 I went out to change the water in the bird bath this afternoon and caught a sudden very quick movement out of the corner of my eye.


A lizard!

But this must have been part of a new family.

He was tiny!

You can tell just how tiny he is by comparing him with those spindly stems and fronds of a parsly plant growing from a pot on the patio.

I estimated him at between 2 and 3 inches long, with most of that being his tail.

The lizards which thrive around our back yard are legion but we tolerate them because they do no harm and they eat bugs, we've been told.

And they're amusing to watch as they dart around at manic speeds and at other times lie basking in the sun for lengthy periods.

Just part of life in Arizona.

Friday, August 5, 2022


 Well lads and lassies it's that time again.

Time to lay all your troubles down and smile awhile.

Let's get on with it.

And with that wonderful one from the annals of the theatre (actually I swiped it from Jolly Jeff), I shall encourage you to have an exciting and eventually enervating weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Saturday, July 30, 2022


 Here in Arizona, we're used to the heat.

But many places are getting blistered by it more than we are in this summer of climate awareness.

So in the spirit of philanthropy and charity for which I'm known, I have pulled a short video from my files to give you folks who are sweating and steaming this weekend a brief break.

You're welcome.

Friday, July 29, 2022


Another week, another day, another Friday.

I woke up this morning.

That's the good news.


And that, dear friends, is this week's compilation of humor.

Now my weekly edict: have yourselves a wonderful weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


 The Spanish word comida translates to food or meal or lunch or dinner or . . . .

Lots of things, it seems, but when we lived in Mexico and ever after we used/use it to mean the main meal of the day, more frequently eaten in our senior years in mid to late afternoon.

For example, tacos and/or tostadas.

This is a tostada for the ages.


From the bottom up then: a crispy tortilla, refried beans, ground beef with homemade taco seasoning, grated cheddar cheese, chopped tomatoes, avocado and shredded lettuce.

That may be gilding the lily but I was assured that it tasted great.

If a bit messy. (Where's the hose???)


Tuesday, July 26, 2022



I call her The BRD, for Beautiful Rich Daughter.

I had to explain recently that she is not rich in the financial sense but she is certainly rich in artistic talent and in loving kindness.

She has volunteered at a food pantry, worked in hospice care and on election duties.

And, as this photo which she recently posted proves, she is most certainly beautiful.

Monday, July 25, 2022



This scene played out the other day.

There was another, fainter arc up there to the left but it doesn't show in this photo.

Or in this one though the entire arc was visible here.

Just for an instant or two.

Then the rain arrived.

SWMBO gets a big kick out of the rain falling while the sun is shining.

I think it just proves that Mother Nature has a sense of humor.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Ted Danson explanation

For those of you who were confused yesterday by Ted Danson in the street . . .

"Dancing in the Street" is a song written by Marvin GayeWilliam "Mickey" Stevenson and Ivy Jo Hunter. It first became popular in 1964 when recorded by Martha Reeves & The Vandellas whose version reached No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and peaked at No. 4 in the UK Singles Chart. It is one of Motown's signature songs and is the group's premier signature song. A 1966 cover by the Mamas & the Papas was a minor hit on the Hot 100 reaching No. 73. In 1982, the rock group Van Halen took their cover of "Dancing in the Street" to No. 38 on the Hot 100 chart and No. 15 in Canada on the RPM chart. A 1985 duet cover by David Bowie and Mick Jagger charted at No. 1 in the UK and reached No. 7 in the US. The song has been covered by many other artists, including The KinksTagesGrateful DeadLittle RichardMyra, and The Struts.

Friday, July 22, 2022


 Just checking in to let you know we still have a sense of humor.

Well, those are the jokes, folks.

As for us, we're looking forward (HA!) to a move to new digs in early September.

An angel has shown a light.

Now youse guys get out there and have yourselves a riotously raucous weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Monday, July 4, 2022

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


 We have just been informed that the owner of our residence is going to put it up for sale.

Hence we will most likely have yet another move in our future.

Consequently we are going to be very busy for awhile and because of that I am putting Oddball Observations on an indefinite hiatus.

I thank you all for visiting, for reading and for occasionally commenting.

Though I thank the "lurkers", too, for just being there.

If you enjoy my usually mindless prattle I am always grateful.

So until the future becomes less of a muddy picture I bid you not goodbye but a simple TTYL or, if you're not into "text-speak" . . . later.

Sunday, June 26, 2022


 Yes, once again, I know what you're thinking.

"Monsoon? In Arizona? What the heck is he smokin' anyway?"

But it's true.

We do have a monsoon in Arizona.

Actually two of them.

One in the middle of the year, the summer monsoon.

And one toward the end of the year, the winter monsoon.

What monsoon means is that there is a change in the wind direction, which tends to bring in moisture to our state.

What rain we get . . granted, it's not much . . is preceded by towering clouds.

So here's what I saw the other day.

My view was through a window on the second floor of our public library.

In this next picture, you can see a little of the adjacent city government building on the left, flanked by those delicious whipped cream clouds.

True to form, we have had a couple of days with thunder, lightning, wind and, yes, even some rain.

In this hot and dry state, it is greatly appreciated.

Saturday, June 25, 2022


 The BRD sent this picture of her cats, the lurking Mimi and the laconic Opal, this morning.

She called it "A break before resuming to zoomies."

I interpret "zoomies" to mean racing wildly around the house.