Saturday, July 13, 2024


 The summer weather just seems to bring out the nastiness in some folks.

Friday, July 12, 2024


Aaaahhhhh, there's good news today!

Our high temperature is only forecast to hit 99!

And for the next ten days it will only be in the low to mid 90's.

Fire up the fireplace, put the flannel sheets on the bed, dig out your earmuffs!

Well, okay, it might be a teensy bit early for that.

But if that blasted monsoon season, which we thought had started early in June and now appears to be delayed beyond the normal July 4th onset, would just get going and bring us some rain we'd feel a lot better.

'Course then we'd have to worry about flooded washes and mudslides.

There's just no escapin' the weather, I guess.

So, now that you've had the weather report . . . what am I here for?

Oh, yes, to remind you with reckless abandon what day it is.


Strike up the band!

I know some of you non-Trekkies are wondering how long this can go on.

These guys winding things up each and every week.

Well . . . they say space is timeless and they've been cruising around out there for a lot of years, communicating only once a week back to earth.

Earth being the environs known as the home of Oddball Observations and its minion, Catalyst.

So I can do no other than to present their weekly wisdom.

In the meantime, I'd like you all (or y'all, if you like) to have a positively theatrical weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . this week reminding you that you can lie on your resume but still get the job . . . )

Thursday, July 11, 2024


 As the mercury has spent several days climbing to and exceeding the century mark here in Beautiful Central Arizona, I have received questions about how anyone can stand the 100 degree heat.

I have tried to explain that the humidity is exceedingly low here.

As I'm writing this at midday the Weather Gods tell me it's 18 percent.

And that's pretty high for Arizona.

But that explanation - - a version of the proverbial "But it's a dry heat" - - doesn't seem to calm people down.

So I post a photo of myself just after sweeping branches and twigs from a dead tree out of my driveway.

I probably shouldn't have worn a black t-shirt but the other part of my "costume" was good protection.

When I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror, I told my wife "that probably scared the neighbors."

She took a look at me and agreed, "that IS scarey."

So it goes in the land of sunshine and glee.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 Here in my part of Arizona, the Central Highlands at around 5,000 feet elevation, our summers are hot but not this hot.

100 degree days have become commonplace for about a week.

Being retired, we stay inside our air-conditioned home most of the time.

And it's supposed to drop into the 90's in a few days.

But in the meantime, this meme has real meaning to me.

Friday, July 5, 2024


 So yesterday being a holiday here in the U.S. of A. I bet most of you have forgotten that today is Friday.

But not me.

And just to make it a special Friday, today I'm devoting the entire post to food and drink.

Bon appetit!

And with that slightly extended version of the menu, I shall leave you to your barbecue grills, your kitchens and your Pepto.

I hope your holiday (if you celebrated it) was full of fun and now you have a couple of days to sleep it off.

Whatever, always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . but, what about your kibble? . . . )

Thursday, July 4, 2024





(Flag photo by Lucas Sankey on Unsplash)

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 I was stunned by what I observed in my home yesterday.

And no it is not a cross section of a human brain.

Never fear.

It was this.

A simple . . no, never dare I use that word "simple" . . a very *complex* red onion.

A thing of beauty.

It waited on a cutting board, next to its executioner.

Not executioner either.

But a tool to make it creatively appetizing.

But in the meantime . . in the rare moment when it awaits its fate, it is truly a thing of beauty.

And you wonder how I spend my days.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 I walked into Judy's room the other day and found a freshly made bed in bright colors.

And, of course, right in the center of it, Miss Sweety-Pie.

Our latest little cat came to us weighing a paltry 7 pounds or so and no matter what or how much we feed her she has not seemed to gain much weight.

Apparently she's a small cat and she will remain that way.

But like any cat, she knows where she looks best and the contrast of the colored sheets and pillowcases and that little black cat called out for a photo.

She is not a tuxedo cat with a patch of white.

She is just solid black.

With her brown eyes, it is often difficult to tell whether they are open or not.

So I zoomed in to see if I could tell.

They are still difficult to see but, yes, they are open.

Watching the photographer carefully to see what he's going to do next.

By the way, this spot on Judy's bed is her preferred spot for her lengthy afternoon naps.

But whenever or wherever Judy or I meet in our home to chat, she inserts herself exactly between us.

For that reason we have also named her "Little Miss In-Between".


Sometimes confounding, sometimes maddening, but always lovable members of our family.

Monday, July 1, 2024


 Can you believe it?

July is here.

It seems like just a few days ago that we were welcoming June and now she's gone for another year.

Oh well, July is really the image of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

Swimming, boating, barbecues, watermelon, ice cream and here in the foothills of Arizona even some rain.

It rained during the night but I missed (slept through) it.

All I know is that there was a puddle in my driveway this morning.

We may get some isolated thunderstorms in the next couple of days, if the Weather Gods are to be believed.

Traditionally, locals say the Monsoon Season begins here on the Fourth of July but it arrived a bit early this year.

Speaking of the Fourth of July, Prescott Valley celebrates with Red, White and Boom!

It's a 6 hour festival of music, food and, inevitably, a grand finale.

Once again fireworks will light up the sky.

Our neighboring town of Prescott has their traditional cowboy event which they call the World's Oldest Rodeo, even though several other towns argue about that title.

But about fireworks.

Some basically ground-based items are legal in Arizona.

Not legal are rockets or Roman candles.

You can be arrested for violating the laws.

So leave the aerial displays to the professionals.

They do a much better job.

Anyway, Happy 4th of July and have a happy whole month of July.

Remember, it only comes once a year.

Friday, June 28, 2024


 Just when you thought it was safe to come out of your cocoons . . . look who shows up!

This has been a very quiet week for me here in Blogland.

You may wonder why.

The only time I've posted this week was on Tuesday.

I was getting ready to the next day but then this left me deep in thought.

And by the time I got that all sorted out it was too late.

To those who've wondered, it's just duties around and about that have kept me from sharing my innermost thoughts.

No health problems.

Well, other than . . .

So there.

With that batch of groaners to wind things up I hope I've redeemed myself.

Now I'm being a beautiful dreamer in trusting that y'all will have yourselves an absolutely stunning weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . oooohh, what a mouth you've got on you . . . )

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 I know what you're thinking.

Is he okay?

Why isn't he posting on his blog?

What's going on?

So to answer . . .

Yes, I am okay.

I haven't had anything to post.

Life goes on.

So here:

A photo from our side yard, showing  La Monja, the Blue Cat, an old bird bath pedestal now holding a dish of brightly colored glass, a bit of the fence painting, and the current birdbath with a frequent visitor that I believe is a house finch.

And that's about as exciting as it's been around here.

But the fence painting has been progressing.

A new larger tree has emerged from some of the rugged old boards of the past.

The sky has some new clouds above.

So it continues to evolve.

And as much as I could say, I shall not comment about Donald Trump.

Oh, and as I wrote to a friend this morning, we re-watched the original "MASH" movie last night.

I thought it was great, Judy was kind of so-so on it, but we agreed that the recently departed Donald Sutherland as Hawkeye Pierce was fantastic.

Peace be unto you.