Friday, June 28, 2024


 Just when you thought it was safe to come out of your cocoons . . . look who shows up!

This has been a very quiet week for me here in Blogland.

You may wonder why.

The only time I've posted this week was on Tuesday.

I was getting ready to the next day but then this left me deep in thought.

And by the time I got that all sorted out it was too late.

To those who've wondered, it's just duties around and about that have kept me from sharing my innermost thoughts.

No health problems.

Well, other than . . .

So there.

With that batch of groaners to wind things up I hope I've redeemed myself.

Now I'm being a beautiful dreamer in trusting that y'all will have yourselves an absolutely stunning weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . oooohh, what a mouth you've got on you . . . )


  1. In regards to the last offering, only when I listen to some politicians.

  2. So many good ones! Agree about Wednesday. Hidden dip! And Sonny and Chair so great. I never know it's Friday until I see this in my inbox!

  3. I do not get the "What's in Tar" thing at all. It's driving me crazy.

    1. Ooo, I figured it out, Steve! Hee hee! I can give you a clue: drop the "s" from What and add a 4th word...

  4. These are great! I laughed out loud at the last one! Thanks so much! I needed that!

  5. Nicely done today. We all need some laughs. I feel that way about the earplugs lately whenever I try to listen to the news.

  6. Good ones today and I actually got them all for a change. Tar took a minute though.

  7. My poor brain had to work for the TAR one, but it managed to figure it out. Another great selection. 😊👍
    ---Cheerful Monk

  8. Too tired to figure out the Tar one tonight. Maybe tomorrow! The turtles one reminded me of a day when someone asked one of my library staffers for a book about raccoons. The person had a child with them, so the staff member asked, "Adult or Juvenile?"
    "Oh," the customer replied, "it's just a little bitty coon!"

  9. Don't get the TAR one, please explain? Hope it isn't Trump American Republic. Thanks for the laughs. Marooned....

  10. Oooh, I got it!! Can I say it here? What in tarnation.

  11. What in Tar Nation are these funnies all about?

  12. THANK YOU for hint-dropping in your comment on my blog. I see lots of others got "Tar," so I guess it was just me being clueless. LOL
