Friday, July 12, 2024


Aaaahhhhh, there's good news today!

Our high temperature is only forecast to hit 99!

And for the next ten days it will only be in the low to mid 90's.

Fire up the fireplace, put the flannel sheets on the bed, dig out your earmuffs!

Well, okay, it might be a teensy bit early for that.

But if that blasted monsoon season, which we thought had started early in June and now appears to be delayed beyond the normal July 4th onset, would just get going and bring us some rain we'd feel a lot better.

'Course then we'd have to worry about flooded washes and mudslides.

There's just no escapin' the weather, I guess.

So, now that you've had the weather report . . . what am I here for?

Oh, yes, to remind you with reckless abandon what day it is.


Strike up the band!

I know some of you non-Trekkies are wondering how long this can go on.

These guys winding things up each and every week.

Well . . . they say space is timeless and they've been cruising around out there for a lot of years, communicating only once a week back to earth.

Earth being the environs known as the home of Oddball Observations and its minion, Catalyst.

So I can do no other than to present their weekly wisdom.

In the meantime, I'd like you all (or y'all, if you like) to have a positively theatrical weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . this week reminding you that you can lie on your resume but still get the job . . . )


  1. In the first one, I would have the young guy looking down at a phone.

  2. The birthday cakes!!! And if you want to feel the chill of fall and winter go to Hobby Lobby! The aisles are full of Halloween and Christmas.

  3. These are all so funny. We had a good laugh at each one. Thank you for cheering up our very foggy Friday morning. (NewRobin13)

  4. I always look forward to the Trek wrap-ups and try, as I do, can never see the punchline coming.

  5. I can't pick a favourite today. You found some really good ones!

  6. The cakes made me laugh! Have a great weekend, Bruce.

  7. If it's going to be 99, it might as well be 100. I prefer even numbers. I love the Star Trek ones although Picard was never that witty. If you follow Cake Wrecks, there are many cakes where the decorator has taken the instructions too literally.

  8. tc-as always thanks for the chuckles. Hope it cools for you guys.

  9. Loved them all...especially on "Hi" alert!! Stay cool!

  10. I love your Star Trek jokes. This week's is great, and I'm still laughing at 888-888-8888. It's a good reminder. 😊
    ---Cheerful Monk

  11. Not getting the monsoon is no joke!

  12. The mystery books arrangement is very clever.

  13. These were all great - but that first one is my favorite. Ha!

    P.S. I finally tried to read your blog on my lunch hour at work & I got a notice that your website was unsafe. That made me laugh - but it means I'm probably only going to get over here on the weekends.

  14. Kitty thinks there are too many dogs.

  15. That's a fantastic picture, of the cat with the lions. Someone had good timing.
